According to Bo Jack horseman, a person can become an achiever from zero. It does not matter the society that one is brought up. One can still question his elders or successful guys and achieve his dreams and goals in the society. Bob Burger is yet another character where in his movie he believes that self-confidence and intrinsic motivation is what leads to success. On the other hand, Fatarumas’ movie observes the behavior of a gentleman who confidently moves away from his society to live a life of his choice in a different country with different people. The significance of this paper is therefore to show some of the current norms and beliefs exhibited by individuals of any society towards success.
The emphasis put forth is the fact that each has his likes and dislikes. Despite the similarity in life that they live. Everyone will have his views about the way things happen, how things are done and why they are done. That is the reason the perspective is given by a guy Irk, as to why he loves the character of Fataruma will differ from other members and fans of the same movie. However, he has a lot of belief and self-confidence as to why he prefers Faratumas character.
He goes on to provoke those who dislike the character traits by Faratuma, and his suggestion depicts the importance of portraying confidence in society.It strengthens the culture of faith regardless of class wealthy or difference in views with the rest of the community. An individual, group or community should be proud of its culture and norms. Likes and dislikes. Regardless of the influence and competition accrued to others. Bo Jack is yet another character who shows stability in his beliefs.
After observing his dad and the kind of business that he had invested in with success, he likes the image of his father and needs to adopt it in his life. However, his wife and a family doctor dislikes it and discourages him from running the business. They refrain him from sticking to the practices of establishing the business and wants him to adopt other methods to achieve his dreams and goals in life. However, Jack sticks to his idea of copying his dad's’ trait despite the collapse of the business firm collapsing and establishing again.
How important were jacked strong belief at last? The business thrives and establishes well. Jack is happy achieving goals in life through a duplication of his dad’s traits and practices in business. His firm belief on other people is because they have reached and he too can as well achieve.
Therefore, other individuals stick to thinking of others to gain inspiration and maintain their focus. It enables them do things better and may end up acquiring the best outcomes by improving what they know and incorporating the best traits while eliminating unnecessary ones. Another character that is worth adopting is that out showed by Bob burgers. As a young little boy with views about life. He believes that his goals cannot be well achieved in his mother society or country, and therefore, he moves to another country.
Observing the life of an old man makes him view life in a different objective, and therefore he acquires the confidence to face life. He joins a group of young guys like him and gives suggestion about life. They still survive in this different society equally better to the other group of men who had been born in that country. Therefore, regardless of the norms of that country compared to that of Bob burger, and the level of a life lived, one can still adapt and cope with life and achieve the results he desired for in life. What matters is the self-drive and self-believe that one has. Achievement comes in different ways, and none is biased. One’s perspective is the key motive drive. However, one can survive in any society achieve his goal and live as he desires to despite his norm and believe.
Therefore, through the various movie observations and study in general, of the animated series. They play a typical role of reinforcing different standards and beliefs in the society. The animated movies give rise to the following questions; do people have the same likes and dislikes? What determines the strength of society? Is there any difference between what we need in life and the place where we are? Among other questions. However, the animated series tries to solve the issues in a clear way.
The animated series, therefore, depicts the norms and beliefs and reinforces them to the current society in different ways. I have learned that self-confidence of an individual is what enables a person to have a self-drive in life and maintain his role in achieving it in the society. This transforms to a difference in goals that the whole society possess and its need to acquire them. The fact that different people living in the same community have a difference in their life preferences also answer the reason as to why different cultures will have different norms and beliefs.
The fact that an individual portrays success due to self-confidence and trust also states why society should be proud of its norms and expectations and have a firm faith in its application to the society. This makes it different from other communities and keeps it in a position to practice and pass its culture from one generation to another.
The animated series and movies handle the argument of reinforcing norms the best way. It shows sense and reality in the real life of the current world where no one is perfect. People tend to learn from other people's mistakes and achieve their goals well. Due to evaluating of the best and advantageous practices in their life and eliminate the harmful practices that may lead to failure.
In this way, the society stands a chance to achieve positive norms in its new generation. The fact that people have different likes and dislikes, also try’s’ to reinforce different rules and practices carried out by tells us why societies cannot have equal criteria. Also, individuals cannot have the same views in any perspective of life, hence handling life in different and satiable ways.
Animated series in summary; reinforces various norms in the current society. It also emphasizes on individual views, likes and dislikes as a source of these continues to explain why different cultures will have different patterns and have different techniques in practicing them. It gives clarity on the achievement of individual plans. And answers the question of how an individual can handle his desire in life. How one can achieve his goals in a different society.
It portrays the importance of self-confidence and societal trust life. Therefore, according to the observations and conclusion by the animated series movie, I base my argument on the fact that culture and practices are different from various people and societies. However, there are standard norms been reinforced in the modern world and relates goals in a successful way.
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