How the writer’s strength was utilized in the meeting
Most of the group members had positive comments regarding the capabilities of the writer and how these capabilities contributed to the group. When asked to comment about the writer, most of the group members said, “George Anjorin was always a present in all the group meetings. George was not only present but active too. Most of George’s contributions were put into good use”. This is one of the strengths that the writer had regarding the running of the group. For a group to be effective there should not only be attendance of the group members but active participation too. It is not enough to attend a group meeting, it also important to contribute ideas. The writer also had the willingness to cooperate with the other team members. It was not only the willingness but the keen to listen and analyze the views of the other group members also. The team members should have the technical knowhow and be willing to learn new concepts.
How the writer can improve one of the weaknesses while in workplace
It was also noted that the writer was not active in giving the direction of the team members. When it came to the course of action that the other team’s members could take, the writer did not give any direction or guide for the rest of the team members. The writer was good at following what others had laid down. One way of solving this problem would be to have confidence and believe that the opinions of the writer can be counted upon (Salas et al., 2009).
It is from the fact that most of my opinions or guide was not followed in the end that would put me off when it came to leadership roles. There were two members in the group who would always ensure that they have their way in the whole process. This had a negative perception to the writer. It brought the impression that the writer’s opinions were not welcomed and not worth in the whole process. One way to solve this would be to have the opinions even if they would be turned down. The writer should not be intimidated to present opinions. This would be done even if the writer knew that his opinions would likely be rejected. With this in mind, the leadership quality and contributions of the writer would be taken into good use. The lack of empowerment in the group meetings is one of the factors that had a negative impact on the writer. The writer did not participate when it came to leadership roles and positions. When team members feel that they are part of the team, they will strive to be an integral part of the team. This is what was lacking in the team management process. This shows that the three factors of leadership were lacking in the team. These three factors are empowerment, inclusion, and confidence. Most of the time, the writer felt that he was not included in the leadership of the team and that the leader ignored his opinions. When this is the case, it is hard to have full participation of all the group members. This is something that should be taken into consideration when handling leadership matters. In order for members to feel that they are part of the team, their participation and input should be taken seriously by the leader. This is perhaps what made the writer feel ignored from participating in the team.
Another way that the writer can improve his weakness is individual contribution. This is connected to confidence in the group members. The writer had the perception that the group members would not succeed. This was not intense feeling but some percentage of it. It is a fact that members who invest more are those with the right training and given the chance to express their opinions and leadership roles in the team. When this is enabled, the members feel that they are in a position to invest more in the group. The leaders should make sure that the members of the group are given a chance to express their opinions in the group.
Role of the writer in the team
The writer was given the role of research and development in the team. With this role, the writer was able to enhance creativity of the company. This position is important because it is related to an important component that is required for competitive advantage. Research and development is tasked with getting new technologies and business processes that will enhance the company competition in the market. The researcher ensured that there was research regarding new technologies that would be employed in the company.
As a research and development head, the researcher ensured that new trends in management and in all the sectors of the company were used. This means that the other areas of business processes will also have to be researched. The researcher needed to have knowledge regarding these areas of the business.
Strength of the whole team
Also, there was one common goal and everyone felt that it was the responsibility of each team member to work effectively in the areas that they were assigned. This meant each individual working on a particular department had the mind that they represented the whole team. This means that if one member failed, the whole members failed. The team members worked hard in the areas they were assigned. Each of the team members worked to have a common goal and for the whole team to succeed. There were also three members in the team that had knowledge in technology and experience in management. The three members were very helpful in undertaking the whole process of managing the team. With the contributions of these team members the team relied on their expertise to come out successful in most part of the simulation process.
Another aspect that made the team successful was the communication process. The way the team members communicated was effective and timely. This helped the team members achieve the targets and the tasks that were assigned to them. From time to time, there were tasks that depended on the other team members’ contributions. An example is that the finance manager had to get the contributions and facts from other areas of the team. For this reason, there was a need to have the contributions of the team members so that they would go on with the process. Communication process was effective in the team.There was also time to unwind together and do self-evaluation. This was to ensure that everyone was doing the right thing and to check on the team members. These sessions were effective because it was time to check on the welfare of the overall team members. This helped the team members to check if the rest of the team were working together for the common goal.
Weaknesses of the whole team
Our team had their flaws. One flaw is that those who had information and knowledge about a given technology wanted to show the rest that they knew the technology that they were well conversant with. From an observer’s perspective, they wanted to show off what they were able to use the technology that they had. This is something that would sometimes hurt the group members. Those who had expertise about a given area did so with pride. They did not have the willingness to assist those who did not know. This attitude would affect some team members. The researcher was affected at one time.
Another weakness of the team is lack of proper time management. Most of the team members were not good in time management. This is shown in the way most of the meetings started. They were started late. The lack of proper time management for the team members would usually affect the quality time required for discussion. This was solved when a fine of 100 dollars was introduced to any member who came to the group late. This enabled the team members to be responsible in their time management.
Another challenge that the team faced was lack of coordination for the knowledge that the team learned. The ideas that were shared by the team members lacked proper coordination. There was lack of proper coordination for the knowledge that was gained in the simulation. This was solved by having team members come to a meeting and share the ideas together. After each team member shared the ideas, they came with a way in which these were put into practice.
How the writer interacted with the team members
There was a good mutual interaction with the team members. The ability of the Andrews group members to communicate their issues meant that they trusted one another. From time to time, the researcher ensured that he gave the other team members the chance to speak what they had. The researcher valued all the opinions that were given by each team member. As one of the administrators in the team, the researcher was able to get the opinions of others without undermining them (Baker, Day, & Salas, 2006).
The writer was able to use conference calls in the communication process. This was effective as the team members were able to get the views of others on time. The communication that the writer had with the team members was real-time and effective. Any new idea that the writer had was communicated to the team members using the conference calls. There was also the use of mobile phones.
There was also the use of Google docs in the documentation of the team meetings and any individual observations. The use of Google docs enabled the team members access the documents online using their gmail accounts.
How we overcame challenges that we faced as a team
Although the team had the winner attitude where each of us anticipated success in the whole process, there were challenges that we faced. One of the challenges that we faced is when it was anticipated by the group members that we would not be able to achieve the lowest mark to be considered successful. The group handled this by ensuing that no one was victimized for any mistake that the team would face.
Another way is that the team members ensured that there was a time to forge a way forward. During these times, everyone would come to bring their ideas on how the team and group would succeed.
Another challenge was lack of proper coordination of the integration of the new knowledge that was gained from the simulation. It was hard to get the knowledge from the simulation and organize it to useful information that could flow in a coherent manner. This was solved by having members write down what they had learnt so that other members could go through the notes.
Teamwork advice I would give to those starting the simulation
The researcher would advise those who are starting their teamwork simulations that meetings and constant communications is key in this simulation. There is a need to meet regularly and have proper coordination in these meetings.
The members should complete as many rounds of the simulation as much as possible. This will increase the knowledge that is required in these processes. with many times that team members experienced with the simulation, the team members got quality time and enough experience. This increased the experience and knowledge of the team members.
Relevance of teamwork in the simulation in the context of professional development
Teamwork is important because it enables members learn new ideas and share what they have. in the simulation, team members were able to get new ideas from the rest of the team members without having to go through the same process as their teammates.
While working in the Capsim simulation, the researcher was able to learn how to delegate duties, and learn from others. The researcher also learnt about the importance of effective communication while working in a team. The team members were also able to have assessment capabilities while handling the various tasks that were assigned to each team member. Each team member was able to assess the value and importance of the decisions that were made while running the company.
There was also a good learning opportunity that team members were able to get because of the simulation tool. This gave the team members the ability to get ideas of a real life situation works while managing teams. It was also an important platform where students from different research areas were brought together for the simulation. It allowed each of the team members to have a role which they could relate with other teams.
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