Professionalism and establishment of standards is an intractable portfolio in any career, and regardless of the professional parlance that one falls, he or she must establish clear standards that will steer every sets of objectives made along the way. In this accord, the prospect of communication comes handy with the implementation of any professional goals. The importance of communication goes beyond managing personal attributes and ethics, but at a higher level determines external interaction frameworks among people having distinct social heritages. This paper seeks to address communication elements towards the realization of key goals in my professional career. Thus, the main points that will mainstream in this essay include the importance of communication in setting positive ethics and professional excellence in any typical work setup. Besides, this essay will compare a few personal goals, and how they fit within the dynamics of the enduring questions. Thus, the theme of this essay is set alongside the professional goals in the communication paradigm, and its impactful influence in helping to realize positive outcome within a contemporary work environment, while considering certain intricacies of communication.
B. Goals.
With my current career in the field of Media Communication studies, and with the vast interest that I have in this professional parlance, I wish to become a video producer. Right into my life, I have witnessed the wits of being employed in a company, and this has significantly drifted my mind from that life course, but instead I have all my focus set on becoming an entrepreneur in video and music production. My chance of getting employed is diminishing especially that I have to see my mum work tirelessly all day long without appreciable time to have with the family. Therefore, my goal is anchored in making a difference where things have failed to work. The line of production of events like sporting or ceremonial events needs one to be fully equipped with the fundamental communication techniques, and as such I am fully armed to meet these challenges by adopting the best communication skills that I have acquired in my long-life career. In addition, my focus remains to provide solutions to where problems seem raging, and are out of control. I believe that I have excellent communication skills that would bring sobriety, and understanding in the diverse field, in which communication is in incidentally a critical tool. All these are my interim goals stretching for a period of five years from the date of graduation, and the next line of goals shall follow after I shall have met my initial tasked objective.
There is a significant relevance between my five shortlisted enduring questions to my career goals that I have identified. Relevance between these two sets of manifestation is a clear establishment of a positive significance that my professional goals have with the enduring question, which are primarily drawn from communication and media fields. Before delving into the relevance between these two parameters, it’s essential to nominate my five enduring questions, which are the subject of comparison to my professional or career goals. The following discussion will unveil the correlation between the enduring questions with my career goals.
What is Media Literacy?
Media literacy refers to having the capability and ability of accessing, analyzing, evaluating, and creating media. A person who is media literate has an ostensible capability of understanding complex messages received from all audio, visual, and print media facilities. Thus, literacy is often linked with the ability to receive and interpret information from TV, radio, magazines, books, among other media sources. In addition, most states and organizational institutions have adopted the concept of medial literacy within the realms of their educational standards since it forms a considerable platform upon which critical thinking is manifested in a wide scope of issues within such setups (Prokhorov, & Therkelsen, 2015, p.113). Principally, media literacy is key to the achievement of goals to becoming a producer. Just like we are taught about many communication skills at the State of Colorado University, I find this principle intractable entwined with my goal of being accessory in the provision of solutions to complex situations. Thus, media literacy is a principal cornerstone to my career goals, and by extension providing directions where standoffs are evident.
How can you Effectively Manage Interpersonal and Organizational Conflict?
A typical work environment has varying levels of disparities thus leading to conflicts or disagreements. Interpersonal conflict arises whenever an employee is unable to compromise with another. In addition, organizational conflict has a similar paradigm to interpersonal conflicts, but is specifically related to job-related conflicts. Conflicts might arise at different levels within an organization due to unmet demands or due to sharp social and cultural differences among the employees. In the context of conflict management, I have to admit that my goals are well-titrated on this line. My communication course stresses on the importance of positive communication, which involves frictionless interaction among employees. In addition, this course entails a complete course on conflict management and resolutions, both at personal and organization level (Katz, & Flynn, 2013, p.395). Therefore, I have all it takes to manage both interpersonal and organizational conflicts based on the methods that I have learned in my career. Some of the methods include promoting collaboration, mediating between the conflicting partners, offering a neutral arbitration grounds. These are elements of communication, and they directly relate to my career goals that are entrenched on providing a conflict-free environment at both personal and managerial levels.
How do you Sustain, Dissolve, and Manage Relationships?
The management of transsexual relationship is a new issue in the domains of relationship and marriages. Sustaining profound relationships is a core element to the realization of benefits in such mutual accords. On the other hand, dissolution of relationship occurs when two partners can no longer compromise another, and it’s deemed as the worst case scenario of misunderstanding. Thus, it’s ideal to manage any relationship by adopting the best and the most ideal social platforms to such relationships. Both the male-to-female transsexual partners and natal female partners are subjected to myriads of challenges within their relationship, and unless a positive engagement in communication is adopted, it might end up into dissolution (Alegeria, 2010, p.909). Some of the challenges that these partners undergo include; sexual identity complex, difficulty in making transitional decisions in a male-to-female relationships, and problem related to public presentations.
Based on this manifestation, I find myself well-polished to tackle these myriads of challenges by engaging these couples to a proper standard of impression management, encouraging them to adopt positive communication, and encouraging self-talk among them. These issues are relevant to the communication course, and I believe that I can sustain, determine a positive dissolution in marriages, and also manage various situations in a relationship. Video production requires careful selection of terminologies to fit into the right context, and thus its relevance to my goals of becoming a freelance producer.
What is Rhetoric?
Rhetoric refers to the effectiveness in speaking that a person employs on the process of communication. It’s therefore, an art of exclusive persuasion in order to bring out the meaning of a word or sentence clear. In addition, rhetoric refers to how one should say something, while discerning other elements. The effectiveness of a communication is exclusively determined by how persuasive a word is to the audience. Thus, language expectancy theory is applied to give a clear baseline for analyzing the correlation between the ironic and literal messages, based on their persuasiveness and expectedness (Lumley, 1999, p.35). This is a critical construct of communication, and for one to be an effective speaker, his or her comments must invoke a certain degree of persuasiveness. This principle applies in my communication course, and I intend to rely on it towards the achievement of goals, especially in convincing people about situations. In my forthcoming production career, I will apply rhetoric to convince my clients of capability and potential to do the work.
Why does the study of rhetoric Matter for your Everyday life?
The study of rhetoric is entrenched in the field of economic and sustainable development and conservation. There are wide rang controversies between the environmental resource use and the perceived conflict emanating between economics and conservation. This conflict has been generated due to the reservation in using the right terminology (Averbeck, 2010, p.358). This is sometimes referred to as the use of rhetoric in economics. The use of economic terms on natural resources is subjective to the extent that some economists have difference on what term to apply in defining economic sustainability. Besides, it’s evident that the concept of rhetoric is invoked in a wide range of disciplines including economics. This term is highly stressed in my communication class, and we are often told that the term could be used to validate or delineate a term into the right or wrong terminology.
Personal and Civic Life
My career path culminated by these objectives are utmost critical in my personal and civic life. In the first case, the study of communication would elevate me to a higher level of understanding and reasoning thereby generating positive insights of developing valuable ideas to the society. In addition, my personal interaction with the society will be enhanced as result of engaging well in this course. Communication teaches about the importance of deliberation, and conflict management (Harmon, Green, & Goodnight, 2015, p.85). Indeed, I have learned quite substantial lessons on conflict resolution and management, and I believe it will foster better understanding among the member of the society and myself.
In the foregoing discussion, it is been evident that my entire enduring question meets my professional goals. Thus, the correlation between these two sets of principles leads to a summary that communication course is multidisciplinary in application. This attributes to the fact that my goals are positively correlated and dependent on communication. Thus, as a producer, I will have to engage my thoughts and presentation on positive communication skills. In addition, my goal to become a mediator is well-framed within the realms of communication course, since conflict resolution is a fundamental subset to this course (Nwagbara, & Brown, 2014, p.17).
Alegeria, C. A. (2010). Relationship challenges and relationship maintenance activities following disclosure of transsexualism C. Aramburu Alegría Relationships and transsexualism. Journal Of Psychiatric & Mental Health Nursing, 17(10), 909-916. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2850.2010.01624.x
Averbeck, J. M. (2010). Irony and Language Expectancy Theory: Evaluations of Expectancy Violation Outcomes. Communication Studies, 61(3), 356-372. doi:10.1080/10510971003776147
Harmon, D. J., Green, J. E., & Goodnight, G. T. (2015). A MODEL OF RHETORICAL LEGITIMATION: THE STRUCTURE OF COMMUNICATION AND COGNITION UNDERLYING INSTITUTIONAL MAINTENANCE AND CHANGE. Academy Of Management Review, 40(1), 76-95. doi:10.5465/amr.2013.0310
Katz, N. H., & Flynn, L. T. (2013). Understanding Conflict Management Systems and Strategies in the Workplace: A Pilot Study. Conflict Resolution Quarterly, 30(4), 393-410. doi:10.1002/crq.21070
Lumley, S. (1999). Interpreting Economics, Rhetoric and Sustainable Development: some implications for policy determination. Australian Geographer, 30(1), 35-49. doi:10.1080/00049189993756
Nwagbara, U., & Brown, C. (2014). Communication and Conflict Management: towards the Rhetoric of Integrative Communication for Sustainability in Nigeria's Oil and Gas Industry. Economic Insights - Trends & Challenges, 66(4), 15-23.
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Prokhorov, A., & Therkelsen, J. (2015). Visualizing St. Petersburg: Using Documentary Production in a Short-Term Study Abroad Program to Enhance Oral Proficiency, Media Literacy, and Research Skills. Journal Of Film & Video, 67(3/4), 112-124.