New Jersey Institute of Technology, IS350, section #
Plagiarism represents the main spirit of University culture, which builds a role model out of a student. It is essential to detect copied work so that the analytical abilities of the student are not suppressed.
The paper discusses plagiarism related to academic cases, especially in the discipline of computing. The paper focuses on software plagiarism in particular. Both the students, as well as, the staff members have contributed in this paper. The story of both sides is discussed. Major universities offer different Master’s programs in Computer Engineering and Information technology. Because of this, the use of plagiarism is much relevant, and this is what the paper mainly talks about.
The main idea in the author’s mind while writing this paper, was to find the view of students over the issue of plagiarism, especially about software plagiarism. This paper also attempts to answer the questions that what is plagiarism and who is responsible. The author concluded that the students commit plagiarism in response to workload and other academic problems, such as uninteresting course and insufficient learning material, and that is why an automated system of plagiarism detection should be used. On the other hand, the students must follow the rules and codes and present their original work. This paper considers the attempt of copying anybody’s work and claiming it as one’s own as a morally wrong act. The author conducted research among the students and the staff members to support the conclusions. The author presents the methodology in the research related to plagiarism and says that a questionnaire would be the best choice to evaluate such issue as it would be of high interest among the students and when approached by a question, they take more interest in answering and expressing their opinions. The questionnaire targeted both the staff and the students and was available online. The date collected through this questionnaire and comments led the author to believe what he concluded at the end of the paper .
Another point of view
Both the articles are of equal quality because:
- Both of these articles talk about the detection of plagiarism and preventing it at all levels
- The first article focuses on the detection of plagiarism through manual means while the other one provides an interface for automated detection.
- These articles enable the professors and teachers to catch the plagiarized content easily.
On the other hand, the second article is about the automated programs for the purpose of plagiarism detection in student programs. It not only discusses the current automated plagiarism detector tools, but also gives out techniques for making them more effective and reliable. It also discusses the aspects of programming language of the plagiarism detection programs for students. It also explains how students can manipulate copied content to make their work immune to such plagiarism detection programs.
In my opinion, plagiarism is the worst way to get through any project. Gaining knowledge should always be the focus of any degree rather than focusing on the mere completion of the program. Using your own skills and capabilities is going to earn you much better grades. Well, I have found the articles to be detailed in terms of covering all the aspects of the topic. They have lured me into taking interest in the topic and have provided me a good understating of the issues involved. The parts that involved the discussion of manual plagiarism techniques were a bit simple in contrast to the parts that involved discussion related to the aspects of automated detection programs and techniques. The reason why I found the latter to be difficult is the lack of understanding of the programming tools and techniques related to different aspects of automated detection tools. I have used the strategy of being comprehensive in the study of these articles for completing this task and have referred to other resources for having a good insight of the topic. I found the articles to be reliable and trustworthy in the sense that they feature a systematic approach towards discussing various aspects of the topic and provide a detailed spectrum of every issue. It has also crossed referred to other sources for ascertaining that the discussion contained here has a sound base. The students who will be involved in doing this assignment in the future need to go comprehensive in their research so that they can have an idea about how to compare the different aspects, and which are the aspects that should be compared. The instructors can make this learning experience even better if they can somehow provide some statistics on the issue.
Chuda, D., Navrat, P., Kovacova, B., & Humay, P. (2012). The Issue of (Software) Plagiarism: A Student View. IEEE Transactions On Education, 55(1), 22-28.
Roxas, R. E., Lim, N. R., & Bautista, N. (2006). Automatic Generation of Plagiarism Detection Among Student Programs. Information Technology Based Higher Education and Training, 226 - 235.