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While marriage accompanies with it many blessings, the gift of a child is truly incomparable. Children, indeed are the gift in the family, the gift in the society. But what if your child or perhaps a child you know happened to have emotional disturbances that affects their behaviors, what would you do?
A lot of children in today’s society suffer from some type of behavioral or emotional issues that result in a bad behavior. This seemingly bad behavior is not something they purposefully do. They need proper help and intervention.
Children with behavioral issues need some type of therapy that helps them get through this circle of emotional disturbances. The cognitive behavior therapy or also called as CBT with children is an area in clinical psychology that is rapidly developing . CBT is a treatment of choice for anxiety. Through this therapy, children will be able to reduce their anxiety, learn alternative ideas and become aware that their feelings and moods affect or alter their behavior. Moreover, CBT encourages children to generate more realistic views of different situations and their ability to cope with them .
This paper aims to explain how the cognitive behavioral approach can help address the behavioral issues of these children which are attributed to their emotional disturbances. By laying out an action plan, you will be able to identify the different areas of intervention that would be helpful for your children such as psychoeducation, cognitive restructuring, breathing and relaxation techniques and coaching to how to approach their feared situations.
Since it this is a battle not only does the child undergoes but so as the family, it is helpful that you be knowledgeable how we, as the specialist apply behavioral, cognitive and socialization strategies so that your children can cope with family relationships, peer interactions, academic difficulties and many other areas. So this paper aims to guide you.
Meyers, A. W., & Craighead, W. E. (1984). Cognitive Behavior Therapy with Children. New
York, NY: Business Media New York.