Our services start when clients contact us to prepare them for overseas tasks. We aim to provide clients with awareness of who they are. We meet with clients one-on-one and conduct surveys that will help them understand their personality. FLH works with individuals to help them avoid stereotypes and provide information on what might cause conflict for each client.
Management style differs from one country to another. Therefore, we provide training on how to manage employees from different cultures. Because we are a family-focused company, we also provide counseling services to the whole family. We help our clients and their families with this transition. If their children need school in the new area, we make sure to arrange a good fit.
If there is time for fun, we provide tourist information. We can provide information for shopping, attractions, landmarks and more. If our clients need items from the US, we can send it to them.
What makes us different is that our clients will not be lost when they leave because our services are not only available prior to when customers leave, but we also support them there maintaining contact with them while they are overseas. If our clients need someone to talk to, we are available for professional counseling. In case of any emergency, we are available 24/7.
We offer our clients preparation services as well as ongoing services and return services to ensure our clients have a successful relocation.
Preparation Services
Before our clients depart we prepare them during seminars, self-assessments, and finally one-to-one meetings.
The first services we provide our clients with are seminars to teach our clients about the environment they will be heading towards. Preparation is key to the success our clients.
Seminar 1: Culture, values, economy
- Hofstede's index culture
- Religions
- Holidays
- Currency
- Investment
Seminar 2: Environment
- Time; monochromatic vs. polychromatic
- Place; type of building, rooms and office deviation
- Privacy
- Transportation
- Climate and weather control
Seminar 3: Interactions
- Language; phrases needed, nonverbal communication.
- Socialization; how to act, what to say, visitations, invitations, parties and gifts.
- Doing business and managing employees.
Seminar 4: Individual needs:
Medical, food, what to bring, where to shop, prices
- Phone plans and contacting home.
- Bank and investment
Individual Assessments
The second service we offer involves assessing our clients to ensure they are matched appropriately. Each individual client completes the following surveys to ensure they are successful in their relocation:
- Ethnocentrism assessment
- Individually assessment
- Power distance assessment
- Privacy assessment
- Time orientation assessment
Individual Meetings
The third service we provide involves meeting with our clients and providing them with handouts to ensure they are prepared for their journey. After each employee finishes doing their personality assessments, FLH meets with each of them personally. From their score, we provide them with information about their personality, how he or she might face conflict in another culture and provide solutions for potential problems. Then we provide our clients with the company handouts.
- FLH contacts information
- Emergency Contacts information
- Points on how to do business
- Do and don’t list
- Important words and phrases in Arabia
- Arrival and addresses information
Ongoing Support Services
Secondly we provide our clients with ongoing support services while they are overseas. This ongoing support is what differentiates us from any other relocating company. We care about our clients while they are working to achieve their tasks.
We provide clients with the following ongoing services:
Tourist information
Find school that fit, contact us with concerns
Check in with the level of culture shock
Video chat for concerns or questions
Request items from the USA
24/7 emergency calls
Connect clients with local friendship family
Return Services
The final service we provide our clients are our return support to ensure that our clients have a successful return. The clients come back successfully, with different experiences than their peers. Therefore, we let them meet with other clients to talk about their experiences and the reentry culture shock.