Every time people opt to enter some conditions and to stay away from others. This results to situation selection which can hinge on personality traits and how people view other people and things. Social selection pervades daily life. Social selection provides a vivid example of people’s mechanism since by making choices one selects his social action that he will experience and the network of people in which the acts will be carried out.
For instance, people may have personality characteristics that they may desire in the marriage partners. Following mutual attraction, personality characteristics emerge largely in the mate selection of people. Dependable characters normally expect their partners to be emotionally stable. These people do not overreact to emergency situations and are likely to stay calm and resolve their problems. However, people who are not emotionally stable will rush to making decisions and are easily irritated when things do not work according to their expectations. Emotionally unstable people are mostly paranoids and they rarely expect any success or positive results from any situation. Whereas emotionally stable people view problems as minor difficulties that can be easily revolved, emotionally unstable people manipulate small problems to appear big.
Attraction Similarity theory states that people are more attracted to the people they share personality characteristic with. Psychological needs are easily satisfied by people who share the same things such as ethics, racial status and physical characteristics.
Shyness is the tendency of feeling tensed, worried and nervous during social relations. Shyness has an effect on people’s readiness to choose risky conditions in the form of gamble. Empathetic people are more prone to enter conditions such as volunteering for work. These people feel that involvement in social work is more fulfilling than doing any paying activities. They are happy to involve in volunteer work and will seek for any organization that offers volunteer work to the society.
High sensation seekers are most likely to involve themselves in extraordinary experiment like studies entailing drug and sex. They love experiencing things that are rarely practiced by people and they are happy when involving in any of such extraordinary activities. These people are likely to select friends with similar characteristics to inspire them. Most high school students are high sensation people and they mostly attend parties where they can involve in fun such as taking alcohol and weed.
Aggressive people expect that other people will be hostile toward them. They normally have a tendency to infer hostile intention on the part of other people in the fact of uncertainty or unclear situations. Personality traits play a major role in evoking conflicts in other. People perform actions, which cause an emotional response in their partners. Such people will expect others to reciprocate their hostility and therefore tend to have friends who reciprocate their hostility. Aggressive people believe that personality trait of others make them to induce in other people actions, which are consistent with their early belief. Personality expectancies can have prevalent evocation impacts in daily life of people.
This is evident in individuals’ reputation before and after actual experiences with an individual. Aggressive people are not easily manipulated due to the fact that they rarely mingle with people who do not have aggressive characteristic.
Some individuals’ traits are more prone to manipulation than others. However stable personality characteristics, expect the type of tactics used by people.