Smart growth presents a myriad of benefits not only to a city but also to a nation as a whole. There are numerous advantages associated with smart growth projects in addition to better planning and development of our cities and towns. Smart growth ensures that rural, urban and suburban communities are constructed alongside transportation and housing choices close to shops, schools and jobs. Beside from protecting the environment, smart growth ensures support for the community as well. This approach of development also ensures that the community benefits from beautiful, affordable, safe and easy-to-get-around type of neighborhood. Also, it produces healthy communities with sturdy businesses (Daniels 273).
Smart Growth Issues
The development of livable places through the application of smart growth principle is surrounded with a number of issues that must be addressed. Addressing these issues pave way for the effective development of livable places []. It is imperative for a smart growth project to consider some of these issues in order to successfully develop a livable place. At the center of these issues is the health of the communities and as well as the people. It is crucial that the type of planning entailed in the development of the urban project consider the health of the community as well as that of the people in the community. This issue can be addressed by conducting environmental impact assessment before starting to develop a project.
In addition, smart growth projects must address such issues as businesses, housing, economic prosperity, transportation, revitalization and environment. The housing and transportation issues should be addressed by building houses and transportation network close to schools, jobs and shops. There are so many benefits to this strategy apart from saving time. Housing and transportation built close to schools, jobs and shop aid in easy movement within the community. Also, the strategy of building housing and transportation near shops, schools and jobs guarantees the safety of the community members (Daniels 275).
An important part of smart growth project is the economic prosperity associated with it. These projects entail a number of benefits in terms of economy. Transportation, affordable housing, jobs and businesses form independent components of strong local economies. The application of smart growth in urban planning benefits all of these components at the same time. There is a tremendous amount of money saved in municipal budgets through the reduction of cost in various ways (Daniels 275).The application off smart growth in urban projects guarantees cost reduction of infrastructure such as water systems and roadways. Additionally, it minimizing cost in maintenance cost through the adoption of strategies like fix it first. Smart growth approach minimizes the costs associated with urban decline as well as the reclaim of brown-fields and vacant houses [].
Smart growth strategies present various advantages to household budgets, and are good for both jobs and businesses. Strategies like the construction of buildings and transportation near shops ensures strong public transportation and walk able downtowns. These aid in attracting and retaining talented employees which is a precious asset for any organization and a competitive advantage for regions or cities. Additionally, smart growth projects present numerous advantages in the housing sector through different strategies. These strategies aid in stabilizing home prices as well as meeting market demand for housing.
Works Cited
Daniels, Tom. "Smart growth: A new American approach to regional planning." Planning practice and research 16.3-4 (2001): 271-279.,. "Smart Growth Projects - NYS Dept. Of Environmental Conservation". N.p., 2016. Web. 22 Feb. 2016. Retrieved from,. "What Is "Smart Growth?" | Smart Growth America". N.p., 2016. Web. 22 Feb. 2016. Retrieved from