It is true that the television, newspapers, magazines, as well as other media pay exclusive concern to the personal lives of the famous people. There are a number of reasons why the media, may be interested with the activities of the public figures.
It is wise to understand that the business of the media is to attract the attention of the public. Therefore, they will always focus on certain centers of interest to attract more people. The public figures are major centers of interest among people, and they would wish to understand what is happening around them. Therefore, they will be interested in the media that disclose information about the public figures (Jung 01).
In most cases, public figures carry with them a lot of people who celebrate their success in their different industries. Therefore, the media will always focus on the people with exclusive follow up from the public. The main aim of the media at such a time is catching the eyes of the people. The media rely on the publicity if the celebrities to attract traffic. There are massive opportunities for the media striking reliable deals with the presence of exclusive public following them ( 02).
The life of any celebrities attracts many people. They always admire the livelihood and wish to enjoy such a living. Therefore, people will be chasing opportunities that will allow them live like the celebrities. In turn, the media take advantage of the issue and intends to bring the celebrities closer to the people. In most cases, the media that provide massive details about the public people attract massive attention of the youth (Jung 01). They would use such a platform to transform their business.
Having the experience with the media would make one easily identify with the issues that come with being a public figure. One day I was in the local television as I explained of an incidence that had occurred in my neighborhood. The day marked my understanding of how people view the media and element of being in the media ( 01).
The first reaction of the neighbors who were not present at that moment amazed me. They all came celebrating me for being in the local TV. They only believed that one could only appear in the media when he or she does something wrong or when one is a celebrity. Some of them referred to me as a “celeb”. The term showed how famous I had become because of the onetime appearance in the local TV (Jung 01).
Other people had a view that I had exposed myself to the world. They believed that the media would follow me up on anything that happens in the neighborhood. They do not believe that the media can talk to anyone. They find it extremely challenging to withstand the media ( 01).
At some point, the issue was challenging to me. I could not imagine how the public could be sitting in their houses watching me. It made me feel heroic if I could explain to the public what was happening and they could all believe me. I realized it took more than the celebration to be in the media for anything. My comment lasted for one minute only, and I could not withstand the pressure it brought to me from within as well as from outside (SlideShare 04). The moment remains memorable as it put me into the celebrity seat for some days.
The social media are websites as well as applications useful in networking. The media are of exclusive merits as well as demerits. The first merit of the media is attachment of people with like minds and ideas. In the media, people choose to interact with people who are of their class in terms of the issues they wish to address. There are numerous people seeking connections with like-minded individuals. The social media serve a critical role of connecting such people to each other.
Also, the social media help individuals in accessing crucial information that other people may possess. If one is seeking an advice, it would be easy to acquire it from the public through the social media. It creates the proper environment to share ideas or information (SlideShare 04).
However, there are demerits that go with the media. One of the demerits is lack of privacy. In most cases, the media will request for personal information to make a link for the individual. As a result, the personal information of the individual, leaks to the public where it may reach a deal of people who may have a connection with the individual.
In addition, the media develop a room for easy tracking of an individual. The media mainly seeks explanation on the location of the user at a particular time. The issue is very clear that the media will expose the individual to a probable risk since one’s enemies may follow him or her up and the element may bring up exclusive danger. In addition, fraud may occur through the media since people are likely to trust each other on the basis they know them through the media (SlideShare 06). Therefore, as a social media continue becoming famous sensitivity to its effects must be critical.
As time elapses, there are numerous concerns on the trend in the music industry. Different people will have different views on the changes that are taking place in the music industry. As time passes, things continue to change, and there are numerous advancements available and identifiable with the situation.
Although, there are changes evident in the music industry, the changes will not influence the prowess of all the musicians. For example, the hip-hop stars like Jay-Z and Lil Wayne will remain key figures in the industry. They have unique ways of rocking their fans. Also, Beyonce and Rihanna are unique in the industry, and they possess exclusive skills that make their performances outstanding. Therefore, they will have excellent room of controlling the industry for a long time.
The artists who are destined for the rock and roll hall of fame this year include Led Zeppelin, Neil Young, as well as Elton John. The artists have an extremely promising future in the music industry. The move is proper affirmation of continuity of the music industry.
The bachelorette reality show is an attractive dating game that makes my time on the TV. The show defines extensive success of a reality show as it applauds the issue of dating is extensive in the society. There is excellent on how the reality show may attract many people to the TV.
If I were to change anything in the media, I would change the TV. The medium is the most sensitive when it addresses issues or people. I would focus on positive messages concerning the opportunities for life improvements and growth among the members of the society. In addition, I would ensure every news is well filtered for reality and necessary facts.
Works Cited
Jung, Brian. "The Negative Effect of Social Media on Society and Individuals."Small Business. N.p., n.d. Web. 26 Oct. 2014. <>.
SlideShare. "Media effects theory." Media effects theory. N.p., n.d. Web. 28 Oct. 2014. <>. "Is celebrity culture distracting the public from more important issues?." The Premier Online Debate Website. N.p., n.d. Web. 28 Oct. 2014. <>.