The Neolithic Revolution
1. The technological transformations during the Neolithic Age have lead to the development of the first historical states and civilizations, in a way, that they have paved the way to mastering the domesticated animals and the inactive agricultural system that has played an important role in the development of the humans (McClellan III & Dorn, 2008). They helped in the production of food surplus, and increase in the population that helped in the development of the real towns and also increased the specialization of the occupations in the human societies. An indication of this fact is the Indus River valley civilization In India and the Nile River Civilization in Egypt. The technological transformation has enabled the creation of several intellectual concepts e.g., mathematics, writing, and many political reforms in the Indus Valley Civilization. Moreover, the technology transformation also enabled the farmers in the Nile River to irrigate crops, and improve the standard of living, and also helped them to become a politically stable state. There was a significant development in the field of painting and it was taught to youth. All this becomes possible because of the technological transformations during the Neolithic Age.
2. Changes in scientific thinking, i.e., the paradigm shift led to new thought in regard to technology, society, and philosophy between 1500 and 1800. The agriculture has changed the primitive society that was depending on hunting in order to gather the food as well as water. There occurred a paradigm shift in the scientific theory as it moved from the Plolemaic system that considers that the earth is located at the centre of the universe to the Copernican system that is of the view that the sun is located at the centre of the universe. The shift helped in moving from the ideas of physics put forward by Newton to the new and explanatory ideas of Quantum physics. These movements have helped in changing the views of world (Ahluwalia, 2008). These transformations have helped in the change and replacement of the old views and ideas with those of novel paradigms, such as the establishment of the printing press for printing books, and changes in the old tradition and culture. People become able to directly access the scriptures as they got freedom from the domination of church.
3. The Industrial Revolution has lead to changes in the transportation, and changes in living arrangements family structure, and the role of women. the industrial revolution and its use of the applied and natural resources have firstly helped in the improvement of the roads, construction of the canals, and development of railway, which has facilitated the efficient shipment of the raw material and goods from the factories, which has further helped in the improvement of the industrial age. Furthermore, the family structure was changed entirely because of the industrial revolution; the extended family was replaced with the nuclear family (Ruggles, 1993). It happens, as a result, of encouragement of the young people not to follow the footsteps of their parents and the relatives, they were given freedom to follow their own desired path and earn their livelihood, and they were no more bound to the home. Additionally, the industrial revolution has significantly helped in changing the role of women. Women are encouraged to engage in the societal roles rather than confining themselves to the domestic roles. They are encouraged to work even if they get less salary as compared to the working males.
Ruggles, Steven. (1997). The Transformation of American Family Structure. American Historical Review, 99, 103-128
McClellan III, James E., & Dorn, Harold. (2008). Science and Technology in World History: An Introduction. Johns Hopkins University Press, Maryland
Ahluwalia, Libby. (2008). Understanding Philosophy of Religion: Understanding Philosop. Folens Limited, Buckinghamshire