In Christian way of life, people commonly use the word myth for tiers parable, falsehood, and fibber. Reliant on the conception tiers fables and desecration conveyed disparity that would unfavorably influence many people. People realized that life interpretation is genuine to the creation stories. Creation stories and myths affect people’s understanding in diverse ways. This is because people tend to belief mostly on weather updates of experts in their field of specialization forgetting its part of creation and weather experts cannot examine the exact results at times they get expected results but not at all. This is because it is beyond human power that people only surrender people’s beliefs to God for what will happen. When people understand or view it on different perspectives it affects simply because everyone needs their points considered while the fact is vice versa.
What is a covenant?
Covenant is a convention or promise among two or more revelries. Describing Gods covenant with Abraham and give an explanation on the resemblance and difference with the covenant with Moses. Gods covenant to Abraham based on faith. In the covenant, God promises a lot of things to Abraham. In the event God revealed himself to Abraham and made covenant with him that his descendant Abraham generations will have life in abundant and full of blessing. Mosaic covenant to God purposely based on God trust to Moses to lead the Israelites to the Promised Land. By giving Moses, the Ten Commandments that Israel people could adhere to the guidelines laid on the Ten Commandments.
The covenants between God and Abraham and Moses are similar with a reason that God wanted virtue of faith and trust to guide and lead their people. Gods portrayed well that Moses and Abraham was his mediator so that people could obey God commandments by being right followers of Jesus Christ.
In comparison according to Hebrew scriptures God wanted the people to learn that God is the only way, truth of life so by following God’s rules or the way of life they gain spiritual strength to conquer devil temptations.
The impact of the Babylonian Exile and later the return from the exile on the people of Judah and those who came to be known as Jews.
The Babylonians thought that God had forsaken them they lacked trust and faith in God in their undertakings. God used the best empires to bring change to Babylonians since they had no hope in God. Babylonians impacts to other nations of Judah and the Jews was neglect of the followers of Jesus Christ .By worshiping idol God they even had their way of leadership rules and regulations to run their nations which was contrarily to Christian way of life.
In comparison and contrast the Sadducees, Pharisees, and Essenes in terms of their beliefs about Temple, Torah, and Messiah.
Christians behaved so good to new transforms in the time of Pharisees, Sadducees and Essenes Christian’s never insulated people after sinning despite they catered to be virtuous ,leaders and factions of Christ thought because of Gods Sanctions they will forgive and confess their sins . Contrary Pharisees and Sadducees were very legalistic. They dint follow the law of love your friend or neighbor as you love yourself. Christians believed that there is existence after death. Sadducees never believed there is life after death they believed on corporal proof. Sadducees lacked faith, hope and trust in God. When John the Baptist spread the message to the people about the coming of the Messiah to prepare path of Christ Jesus, Pharisees thought that people had to see miracles or signs in order to believe. Pharisees had faith that there is life after death and God awarded the virtuous and disciplined the wicked after.
Synoptic problem
Is the query of particular fictitious association among the three synoptic Gospels? It just a technique to mention query and likely descriptions about the fictional