According to video clip 1 The 39 steps is a thriller film directed by Alfred Hitcock whose date of release was on 1st august 1935. Allegory is a political story that can be interpreted to reveal a hidden meaning. The thirty-nine step is one of a fast moving action story. The narrator tries to trace the racial as well as the ethnic discrimination that keep on continually appearing now and then. Hitcock choices in terms of pictures and setting of characters are regarded among the greatest of all time. This is because of the fact that that the nature of being cultural, historical as well as being significant aesthetically. Hitcock featured the young innocent couples to show us how to portray the ways in which gender roles are presented in the film. Hannah is against fascism and makes and in his speech, he is seen making a plea to the people. It is a also an extraordinary how Richard Hannah finds himself in for what he does not deserve.
Vertov’s understanding of cinema is opposed to storytelling the same way truth is to falsehood. Therefore the presence of the camera represents the presence of eye recording reality. The 39 steps is more of a thriller and an allegory with hidden meaning of the conflicts in the society.
The screen shot shows Richard Hannah making a plea to the people against the issue of fascism. He is the starring character in the thriller film.
Peer Review:
I am impressed with the way you have pinpointed out the meaning of the term allegory. In deed you have also been able to capture the various aspects of allegory in Video clip one. For instance, you have been able to capture the fact that political speech used in the video has allegory in it. This is indeed true because I had the same point in mind while going through your response. The selection of the screen shot was also on point. You really did well in selecting it. It brings out the issue under discussion vividly.