One of the most films of 1992 focuses on the epitome of various issues related to the daily running of activities in the South American Indian tribe. Directed by Alan Ereira, he brings the lives of the Kogi people one of the only earliest civilization to have survived the Spanish conquest and have effectively maintained their individuality.
- What is Nature's Intelligence?
‘Heart of the World: The Elder Brothers' Warning is called "Aluna" which means a great Mother based on intelligence, this brings the aspect of intelligence inside nature. This is based on the concern that the Elder Brother delivers their prophetic message to the world as a way of understanding the bond between humankind and the world.
- What is Ancestral Intelligence?
As the finely attuned adventure connected to the mountains, the Kogi people assert that they have the intelligence based on the ancestral bond, which connects them to their gods. This asserts that they claim to have the ancestral knowledge of the daily encounters on the planet including crises that make them have the ancestral intelligence.
- How do they show up in this movie?
The Kogi people in the film show that they have a bond between the natural worlds and consequently they must be honored. This is highlighted by the way they give up their self-destructive image and choose to honor the planet.
- What can you tell me you have learned from watching the movie? What impacted you the most and why does their lifestyle matter?
I have learned that understanding the planet and citizens living in harmony with the natural ecosystem are more important.
The way of seclusion embraced by the Kogi people in the view of the cogent and appealing begging plea with the natural world has encouraged me based on conserving the environment.
- Why is an understanding of these two intelligences important at this time in globalization? Your opinion.
Based on Nature's Intelligence and Ancestral Intelligence, they play a crucial role in enhancing the conservation and globalization on a larger view. This calls to every individual to play a role in enhancing globalization and conservation processes.