The strategic communications plan (SCP) aligns the objectives of the initiating institution/organization with an effective message, transmitted to the targeted groups on the proper communication channels, in an integrated manner.
The SCP comprises various sections: objective, target group, location, message, communication channels, actions and events, materials and partners, which need to be addressed in separate sections, but in connection with each other. When defining these components, there must be described their outcomes upon the overall impact of the SCP.
Objectives section should address the initiating institution current situation and the changes it wants to obtain as a result of the SCP.
Targeted groups section will identify the demographic group that the SCP targets, describing what actions they should take and how they should be influenced by the messages sent through the SCP.
The location identifies the geographical area in which the SCP will be implemented, indicating the magnitude of the intended communication awareness (regional, national, international, global).
The message should translate the objectives of the SCP, linguistically and culturally customized on the targeted groups. The message must be clear, short, easy to remember, credible, and it should possess an interest for the targeted groups, described through a catchy slogan.
The communications channels employed should take into consideration the media interests of the targeted groups, which requires a field study meant to understand their media preferences.
The actions and events also need to be of interest for the targeted groups. These may include conferences, webinars, in-store and street promotions, sponsored concerts and events, fairs and exhibitions, etc.
When establishing partners, there must be considered the benefits that they would bring upon the SCP in terms of resources, credibility or impact.
Heineken 2013 SCP is an illustrative example of how each component of the SCP has been integrated with the others for conveying Heineken’s objective. The objective of making Heineken the Apple brand of beers was conveyed into a message that reached audiences throughout the world, because of the communication mix employed and the implemented tools.
Writing a strategic communications plan requires vision, but implementing it requires coordination skills, communication and negotiation abilities, attention to details, a sense of urgency, among others. The key to an effective strategic communications plan is an integrated communication.