Question 1
What is intriguing about the FDA timeline on the content of sales and drugs is how misleading advertisments effectively persuade people. According to FDA, misleading information must not be tolerated because the people can be easily deceived due to their lack of background information in medicines and drugs. However, the problem is that FDA found out that many people still trusts advertisements despite their lack of medical credibility (“The Bad Ad Program and Prescription Drug Promotion”). It is intriguing enough because even if there are complaints surrounding the advertised drugs, some companies still make ways to turn around the situation. The effectiveness of their advertisments are being used for the purpose of gaining profits, and not to help alleviate the conditions of the people. As such, the Bad Ad Program is one way to increase public awareness.
Question 2
In reality, there is nothing new about their information campaign. New concepts such as the Science of Influence were introduced (“The Bad Ad Program and Prescription Drug Promotion”), but the essence is still considered as a way on how the people’s mind works. However, what is good thing about this program is that it is very effective in a way that it is an in-depth dissection of the different components of the misleading advertisements. Everything were discussed, including as to how the inaccurate information get into the people’s minds. This campaign tells the public that not all things which are advertised are true. Even if the advertisements are full of medical terms and convincing words, the best thing to do is to consult the doctor. There is nothing that can replaced them because they are the ones who have the knowledge that everyone needs more than what all advertisements tell.
Question 3
The Science of Influence can be considered as the explanation of how companies effectively persuade people through their advertisements. It just tells that people can be influenced directly or indirectly, but the essence of persuasion is associated with the concepts of influence. Learning the science of influence is important because it tells how the power of influence works in affecting the minds of the people. If the public knows about the science of influence, then they will learn the ways of persuasion. As they learn, they will be able to handle things easier in the future. They will learn that the advertisements are not the answers to their questions regarding their medical conditions. They will learn that the experience of other people is not enough to deal with their sickness. They will learn that the best way to treat their sickness is only by consulting to medical experts.
Question 4
Submitting a complaint about a potential drug promotion is not an easy decision at the beginning. However, the best way to deal with this is through research. Personally, I must learn, first and foremost, more information about the drugs being advertised. The drugs’ benefits and potential setbacks must be determined first. Afterwards, I will have the information compared to the ones given by the promotion. If it is not accurate, I will submit a complaint. In that time, I have enough evidence to prove their misleading information. This must be done in order to prevent more people of being deceived by the advertisement. Not only their health is at stake, but also, their resources will be handed down to the companies which are not even concerned of their safety.
Other Questions
What potential loopholes can be looked upon by the companies who were subjected to complaint?
When can we say that a complaint is sufficient enough to tackle the misleading advertisements?
Work Cited
“The Bad Ad Program and Prescription Drug Promotion.” Food and Drug Administration. Web. 10 Jan. 2017.