On my latest return flight from London, I read an article discussing the off-campus housing needs for university students. The article, coupled with the research you have been conducting on student housing, caught my attention.
The survey you conducted of CWU students should help you answer the overall question: Should Anderson and Associates build a complex of private hotel-like rooms (sleeping and sitting area and private bath but no kitchen; private one-room efficiency apartments; one-bedroom, two-person apartments; or four-bedroom, four-person apartments? Remember that because of cost issues, Anderson and Associates can only chose ONE configuration type for the apartment complex.
Executive Summary vi
Problem Statement 1
Purpose Statement 1
Research Questions 1
Methodology 1
Discussion of Findings
Profitability Projections are Highest for the Singles’ Bar 2
Capital Requirements are Lowest for the Singles’ Bar 3
Conclusions 4
Recommendations 4
References 5
Appendix A: Contractor Bid Sheet for Contracts R Us 6
Appendix B: Contractor Bid Sheet for We Are Contractors 6
1. Profitability Projects for Remodel of the Riverside Café 2
2. Capital Requirements for Remodel of the Riverside Café 3
Executive summary
The major factor when it comes to a creation of any facility that will suit the needs of people who are still young and in school is the consideration of their financial situation. They are people who are not yet financially stable and a bigger percentage of them rely on their guardians for their survival. Therefore, all of them should be offered an opportunity of subsidized premiums that will enable them to settle all their bills within their financial abilities. The creation of the facility will involve the development of a system that will offer students an opportunity to receive favorable means of living.
The development of the facility must also consider the needs and operation of college students. These are people who have various ways of living and the president of the company must appreciate the specific ways of living. In order to achieve this, the rules and regulations of the apartment that all the tenants must abide during their stay must be sensitive of the nature of University students. These are people who need their space during the weekend and their free times. They need a place that can allow their activities of bonding with friend and even partying within their premises. In order to create a balance, the president of the company must look at the specific limitations that will make the all activities of their stay responsible and manageable.
The general views of off-campus students who are meant to be the main consumers of the business is are the premium rates offered and their relative freedom from unnecessary strictness by the managers of the facility. The interaction with most of the university students indicated that they had a bigger interest in the four-bedroom that had four people sharing the same unit but with private bath and shared kitchen among them. Another interest was shown in private one-room efficiency apartments. Therefore, the feedback from the students can use as a way to customize the entire facility in order to suit their specific needs. The major recommendation for the creation is that the student housing facility proposed from the information provided by the students should look at making units that will offer a four bed shared facility with private baths and a shared kitchen. The units will be minimized in a way that will maximize the number of people who use the same room.
Another way will be to ensure that single rooms are incorporated within the same apartment to offer the students who are able and value privacy. The units will offer an opportunity for the organization to maximize on a different premium scale. The rooms will offer a different level of class for the clients who are willing to take higher premiums in order to have a comfortable service.
Looking at the proposed prices revealed that $250 for the private hotel-like rooms, $400 private one-room efficiency apartments, $650 for one-bedroom that has two-person shared apartments with a shared bath, and $1500 for the four bedrooms that accommodates four people with private baths and a shared kitchen. Most of the students also preferred furnished houses where a total of 749 people were recorded. The unfurnished houses recorded a number of people who went for the unfurnished houses.
A total of 1,124 students identified as living off-campus, were surveyed. The sample was a convenience sample –students on campus and at nearby apartment complexes were asked to participate. Of the 1,124 students surveyed, approximately half were female and half were male. About 15 percent of the students were freshman; 23 percent were sophomores; 50 percent were juniors, and the rest were seniors. Approximately 75 percent of the students surveyed were traditional college age (18-24); the rest were non-tads (ages 24 and over).
The major factor when it comes to a creation of any facility that will suit the needs of people who are still young and in school is the consideration of their financial situation. They are people who are not yet financially stable and a bigger percentage of them rely on their guardians for their survival. Therefore, all of them should be offered an opportunity of subsidized premiums that will enable them to settle all their bills within their financial abilities. The creation of the facility will involve the development of a system that will offer students an opportunity to receive favorable means of living.
The purpose of this report is to determine the rooms that Anderson and Associates should build for CWU-Ellensburg campus student housing. The rooms must be in agreement with the requirements of the consumer needs in order to maximize their selling ability to the entire public. They will have to create an outstanding and unique finishing that will attract more people. The nature of the business is competitive and in order for the entire entity to survive, they must develop a system that will help gain and sustain a competitive advantage. It will enable the president of the company to capture a huge number of people within the facility without any strain against the heavy competition.
The main purpose is to determine the most convenient rooms to be installed within the main facility of the apartment that will be constructed for the off-campus students. The main factor is to look at the specific needs of the people who are the main consumers, in this case, the off-campus students. In order to address their main concerns, the paper looks at outlining all the possible needs by conducting a detailed research on their main activities, what they are interested in, what they do not like, and their general views on the other apartments that are available for the same business.
- Which amongst these rooms is more worth to build for? Considering the facility that each room offers.
- Is there any lease contracts for the room? If yes, how long will it be? How to break the contract in the middle of the stay. Is there any penalty to it?
- Are there any differences in prices for international and domestic students? Are they going to stay in the same house together?
- What are the possible methods that could be applied in order to have a consistent advantage over other apartments that offer the same services?
The main method involved in getting the main ideas of the intended apartment was to involve the people who are the main consumers of the facility and services offered. By getting main ideas of what they like and what they do not like, they will allow the management to have a good and clear picture of what is needed. Therefore, the main methodology of the research was to conduct a series of interviews with the off-campus students.
A total of 1,124 students identified as living off-campus, were surveyed. The sample was a convenience sample –students on campus and at nearby apartment complexes were asked to participate. Of the 1,124 students surveyed, approximately half were female and half were male. About 15 percent of the students were freshman; 23 percent were sophomores; 50 percent were juniors, and the rest were seniors. Approximately 75 percent of the students surveyed were traditional college age (18-24); the rest were non-tads (ages 24 and over).