It is true that internet has indeed experienced some radical changes that occur on a day to day basis. For a while now, internet has created new channels to enable individuals connect with their friends and family. Internet has also in a way, disrupted either positively or negatively the manners in which business are done. Various aspects in our day to day life have also been rewired to just about everything. However, Internet itself together with the World Web are indeed still relatively young and have time and space to grow and expand. As various debates continue concerning the neutrality of the internet, privacy and its architecture, then there grows some interests in expanding what it is already being offered by the internet.
The Internet itself represents a somewhat ubiquitous phenomenon, which just popped up from God knows where. I tend to believe that, through this concept, this emergence indeed depicts a powerful tool of examples of exponential computational developments or improvements. As much as internet to some, appears as a confusing connection of wires that are hard to connect. The confusion indicates that, numerous individuals find it difficult to use the internet as it is. However, they should be aware of the young status internet exhibits leaving out clearly that, internet has much evolving to endure and develop on the various fields it is applied. The notion developed above brings into prompting the nature of the future of internet and how it will try and shape lives and get applied in fields in the later years. The move is the main driving force of this essay, as it deploys various measures to identify the expectations of internet as the days and years goes by.
It is indeed true that as the obscurity began i.e. when people came to know much about the internet, different patterns began to crop up. People felt the need of having something new and interesting in the Net apart from what they are used to. People felt the need of coming up with different channels of protecting what they have on the internet. While others would want to appear more powerful and different than the rest as far as internet development concerned. The described nations, just shows the needed and important to just develop the internet and make it a little secure that it currently is. The obscuring of certain facts such as virus and bugs, also contributed to the development of internet. Another urge was, there ever growing and increasing harmful application that are experienced over the internet.
In a different article study, how to contextualize the developments brought by the internet was provided to individuals. Cadell Last (np) inherently identified how it was difficult for an individual’s brain to comprehend the overwhelming implications related to internet exponential growth. Internet fits in the above description since; very few individuals saw its onset begin with. He brings in the concept of studying linear and exponential growth of internet.
One of his graphs depicted the linear scale representation of Internet's growth. Another graph depicted the growth of Internet's though on an exponential scale. From the graphs, and more so on the linear perspective, it was noted that a few people are the only ones who experienced the onset of internet. In a conclusion, internet was noted to proceed in growth exponentially; to a situation depicting 7 billion to be connected. He also showed that, exponential internet growth case did just apply (Last np). From the results obtained above, it was easy to detect the manner in which internet growth an arguably take. On that note, the unprecedented changes that worried the experts may have found a way of identifying their full impact as the internet develops.
In a separate survey a comparison from the ones described earlier, depicted that, from most of the involved parties, a wider spread form of consensus on the future of the internet was arrived. In the Pew Research Centers, the internet study was in such a way that, almost every individual was having similar assumptions in regards to the artificial intelligence, and other wearable devices.
The majority of the people believed that, the Internet will be less visible in the next years to come but at the same time, being highly embedded in the daily routines and life. Just like it is mentioned earlier, as experts agreed on the various channels of Internet growth, there rose cases of disagreement on the implications continue to grow, they disagreed on the implications. What is striking is that, in the various consensus attributes, some experts brings up the issues concerning what will be changing and the overlying equally striking the varied outcomes recorded when they are individually. The worrying issues are such as; interpersonal ethics, terror, crime and surveillance. There was also, the possible inevitable backlash by the governments and larger industry as they try to adjust to the developments brought in by internet.
In our today’s life, we can detect the already developments done to perfect or improve on the internet. Computing devices that were drawn from a different lineage such as the personal computer of the hobbyist’s in70s to the PC that can be owned easily show much flexibility and allowing for change in the case of internet. Instruments such as a television set have also seen a much development since the early eras. From the heavy back compartment TV set to the new slim and slick, stylish TV sets that are used, also depicts the application of internet to have evolved and improved. Same case with the computers that nowadays more sophisticated displaying computers and computer form are being as compared to the other earlier forms of computers.
The standard audio and cassette recorder is now even redefined, and it can store and retrieve data. In this way, we identify that the internet could help run and develop new sophisticated software to be applied in various avenues of technology. Such provisions were either not available or were unnecessary at the older times of the computers and internet. Internet development itself has seen PC makers selling potential computers and devices to adapt newer and ever changing product delivery. In other words, they strain to make sure their next model is more sophisticated from the previous ones. The sophistication can be attributed to internet development and improvement.
Taking a look at some of the countless advantages to be gained from internet development in the future, in which the shortcomings can be simply overlooked, and then can we deduce this papers goal. Here are some improvements to be experienced in the future of the internet. Procedures such as information sharing done over the net will be reduced to an effortlessly task which will be interwoven into the everyday life and hence, making it more invisible. Another issue will be the spreading of the Internet as it will enhance the general global connectivity, hence, in the long run, fostering of more positive relationships existence among the societies. Artificial intelligence and the big data internet case will make individuals to be awarer and alert of their own world and behaviors as well. Internet in the future as it is already seen will create political actions and awareness. Internet will simply provide a channel of change actualization and possible public uprising as can be attributing to the recent Arab Uprisings.
Augmentation of reality and possible wearable devices will also erupt as a result of internet development in the future. It will facilitate the implementation of monitoring and giving quick feedback on the daily life, and more so, in regards to individuals personal health. Another attributing factor will be, internet-enabled revolution that will educate hence, spread more viable opportunities that offer less spending of money that could have been spent on things like buildings and teachers. There are some negative impacts that may result from the development of internet as whole. Possible violence resulting from resentment created by the possible erupting divides may occur. The sophistication will increase the crime rates as individuals would have found other better and sophisticated means of exercising their crimes. Other resultant cases may be the increase of abuses and abusers that would have evolved and scaled a notch higher. Since human nature is never changing, issues such as, laziness, stalking , bullying, stalking, pornography, dirty tricks, and the offenders would have found a new capacity that will enable them to make the lives of others miserable. It then important to note that internet in the future will surely be more developed and more sophisticated, bringing in its cons and pros to humanity and technology at large.
Works Cited
Ghose, Tia. The Future of the Internet: Dark and Ubiquitous. 11 March 2014 . 23 April 2014 <>.
Last, Cadell. The Future of the Internet! . 16 December 2013 . 23 April 2014 <>.
Shirvell, BY Bridget. 15 predictions for the future of the Internet. 11 March 2014 . 23 April 2014 <>.
Zittrain, Jonathan L. The Future of the Internet -- And How to Stop It. London: Yale University Press & Penguin , 2008.