Executive summary
There is a general trend in US – regardless the dislocation point of its citizens – either heartland or suburban neighborhood, people are vulnerable to gun violence. This violence may be represented in the set of the following forms: gang crime, suicide, or a gun accident. In all cases, all the gun violence acts break the law and that is why, there is a need for development of the appropriate policies and other social-oriented solutions, which have potential of stopping such form of abuse and violence. In accordance with the statistical data, the total number of people, who have died because of the gun violence in the timeframe of last 5 decades, exceeds the number of victims in every single war in America - starting from 1781 till the Operation Enduring Freedom in 2014 (Kelly, 2014). In this investigation, the core factors, contributing the gun violence in US are assessed as well as the strategy for their management is developed.
First of all, it is essential to predict and prevent the gun violence on an individual level. Even while it is critically important to take into account the fact that the lion share of people with mental disorders, is not dangerous for the society, those ones who are in the group of risk, should have the mental health treatment – in such case it is possible to minimize the suicidal thoughts and reduce the violence risk, caused by the mental disorder.
The second issue is to prevent the gun violence at the community level. This may be done with the help of the programs, oriented on emotionally-healthy generation. One more aspect of work in this case is the identification of the troubled individuals and issuing corresponding interventions. Additional responsibility in such case lies on the mental health community, which should develop the collaborative models for problem-solving, oriented on the gun violence prevention.
Finally, it is essential to develop or update the appropriate policies for the gun violence minimization. It may be achieved through the handgun purchasers’ licensing, requiring the background check for all gun sales as well as setting the rigid control over the retail gun sellers (APA, 2013).
Transmittal Letter
Dear Mr.______ As previously agreed, I am submitting the attached report entitled as Gun Violence in US.
This report investigates the urgent problem of gun violence in US, the core contributing factors and the most effective ways of managing this problem on the national wide level. Three major purposes, addressed in this investigation, are the following:
increasing the rate of awareness on the core contributing factors of the gun violence and popularization of such knowledge within US society (1);
conducting an assessment of the most effective currently existing programs and policies on gun violence prevention (2);
identification of policy directions, which have not been already used national-scale levels (3).
I hope you find this report satisfactory.Sincerely yours,____________
Introduction 6
Current state of affairs in gun control and violence prevention in US 7
Core factors, which lead to the gun violence 9
Developmental issues 9
Culture and gender 10
Conclusion and Recommendations 11
Prediction and Prevention of the Gun Violence at the Individual Level 11
Prevention of the Gun Violence at the Community Level 12
Prevention of the Gun Violence at the Federal Level 13
It is possible to make a statement that the gun violence is a critically urgent national problem in US – as it causes more than 78,000 nonfatal injuries and 31,000 deaths on an annual basis. Even while taking into account some slight decline in this rate in recent years, the overall rate is in US is still higher for more than seven times than in the set of other developed countries worldwide (such as Australia, Spain, France, Canada, South Korea, Germany, Italy, India, Japan, United Kingdom, Sweden etc) (Alpers & Wilson, 2013).
It is claimed by the criminologists that guns are not the major reason for the violence and in addition, such type of weapon may be used for the set of different sanctioned activities in a legal manner. At the same time, it is essential to note that gun is the especially lethal weapon, which is used in almost 2/3 of the homicide cases as well as in more than 50% of suicides, which take their places in US.
In accordance with the statistical data, represented by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [CDC] (2013), approximately 30 individuals die of gun homicides and 50 people of suicides, while using such type of weapon on a daily basis. One more type of threats is caused by the active use of guns in US - multiple-fatality shootings, which lead to the grief within society and inflict great trauma on its members.
That is why, there is an urgent social need for issuing additional measures, directed on the safety ensuring within the community. Three major purposes of this investigation are the following: increasing the rate of awareness on the core contributing factors of the gun violence and popularization of such knowledge within US society (1); conducting an assessment of the most effective currently existing programs and policies on gun violence prevention (2); identification of policy directions, which have not been already used national-scale levels (3).
Current state of affairs
in gun control and violence prevention in US
It is essential to note that the set of measures has been already undertaken for protection of US residents from gun violence; for instance, in 2013, new “Now Is the Time” plan has been issued by Obama at the federal level (White House, 2013). The core purpose of this plan implies addressing the gun violence as well as providing communities and especially, children, with the protection. For this purpose, 23 corresponding orders were issued on the federal level.
This research is critically essential, as there is still the need of addressing such type of violence, through development of new measures, expansion and correction of existing ones and re-allocation of responsibility among the corresponding agencies. Such needs were determined in the reports, issued by such organizations as National Research Council (NRC) and Institute of Medicine (IOM).
It was clearly stated that it is important to develop the corresponding approach towards the public health, where one of the core points should be the need for getting accurate data regarding the total number of the guns in US and covering the major factors of risk and motivation for the use and acquisition of the fire shot weapon.
Additional attention in such case should be put to the investigation and analysis of the interrelation between the exposure of the US people to the violence, which is done via the means of mass media and their engagement into the gun violence -related activities. In order to address such violence, it is critically essential to apply into the practice the innovative technologies, which would be oriented on prevention of the gun violence in US (Kelly, 2014).
This paper would also take in consideration the currently existing policies and programs, oriented on minimization of the frequency of the firearm-related violence and its effect on the social life in US.
Psychological approach would be also taken into account in this paper as it has the potential of contributing the gun violence prevention policies. Such approach is expected to substitute the traditional debates regarding the ‘killers’- whether guns or people kill. For this purpose, it is critically important to elaborate the reasonable approach, which would be oriented on facilitation of the prevention measures of the following nature: “stopping people with guns in their intention to kill others”.
This problem should be perceived as more complex in comparison with the simple slogans and that is why, it needs the careful investigation and assessment of the various factors of psychological nature, patterns of behavior and the social-cultural factors, which force the gun violence within US society.
While taking into account the fact that the core focus of the prevention measures is put on the guns (as the powerful equipment for the crime commitment), it is still essential to encompass the set of other factors, which are equally influencing (such as mental disorder, problems of personal nature, problems with health condition, grief etc.) Also, the probability of factors’ combination (such as grief and mental disorder; problems of personal nature and health condition etc.) should be taken in consideration in the process of corresponding measures’ development and practice implementation (APA, 2013).
Core factors, which lead to the gun violence
Developmental issues
It was indicated by the scholars that the variable and complex risk’ constellation, integrated with the protective factors, increases the probability of using the firearm against other individuals or themselves. That is why, there is no common and universal pattern for determining the individuals, who fall under the risk of gun violence. At the same time, it was claimed by psychologists and criminologists that there is a set of various risk factors, which, in the case of their integration, maximize the probability of using a gun for violent acts. The major factors in this case are the following: sociocultural, school, family, peer, community and other risk factors. In the lion share of the cases, these factors interact in the following ages: childhood and adolescence.
Even while the major part of the youth stops their antisocial and aggressive behavior as these people get mature, some share of them still represents the risk of engagement into the abusive behavior; otherwise, they are vulnerable to the gun violence.
In accordance with the set of scientific investigations in the area of gun violence and while referring to the historical data, the highest probability of engagement into the gun shooting is represented by the individuals, who have been already engaged into such violent behavior. That is why, the probability of the firearms may be reduced by the corresponding efforts on prevention, which, in turn, should be based on the scientific evidence concerning the developmental risk.
Such preventing measures should be practiced at both family and community levels. In such case, it is possible to decrease the frequency of the family and community conflicts as well as prevent the further criminal activity of such individuals.
In addition, there is an option of reducing the rare cases when the homicides are contributed by the severe mental disorders or more common occasions when the suicide is caused by some forms of mental disorders (such as depression). Thus, reducing the rate of the gun violence cases is one of the core purposes of both primary and secondary strategic approaches towards gun violence prevention and management. It is critically important that the context of such strategies implies redirection of the developmental antecedents and addressing the sociocultural processes of more significant scales (which make their contributions to the active use of the fire arm and thus, gun-related lethal outcomes) (Kelly, 2014).
Culture and gender
It is claimed by the experts, that any account of the gun violence in US should provide the clear explanation to the two following common trends in this area: the lion share of the gun violence acts is prepared by the males (1); at the same time, vast majority of male population of the country has never been engaged into such type of violent behavior (2).
It is suggested by the set of the evident facts that the social norms of behavior are perceived by males in different ways - as some time passes. In addition, those traits, which are associated with masculinity may be lost to some extent and in such way, the prevalence of intimate partner may be reduced (APA, 2013)..
That is why, there is a need of testing the set of existing patterns for interventions in terms of their potential for minimization of the general rate of the gun violence. For this purpose, it is critically important to apply into the practice the knowledge and professional experience of the psychologists - for elaboration and further testing and evaluation of the corresponding educational programs and campaigns in the schools, organizations, healthcare entities, prisons and other public places. The core purpose of the campaigns in such case, should be the change of the gendered expectations in relation to the male population. The major emphasis in such social expectations should be put on the toughness and self-sufficiency – as representation of power, rather than using the arm – as the tool of gaining respectful attitude.
Conclusion and Recommendations
After conducting an assessment of the current state of the gun violence in US and the core contributing factors of such violence, it is possible to develop the following recommendations, while, referring to the evidence-based constructive solutions and the practical experience in this area.
Prediction and Prevention of the Gun Violence at the Individual Level
It is critically important to take into account the fact that the major part of individuals, who suffer from the mental disorders, does not pose the threat to the population in terms of gun violence. The major argumentation for this statement is the fact that those people, who fall into such group of risk, may get corresponding treatment which would prevent them from the gun violence actions.
That is why, in order to expand this option to the national wide scale, it is recommended to put the programs and policies, directed for identification of such individuals and providing them with corresponding treatment measures, to the national priority. It means that there is a need of providing the population of the country with the option of immediate free of charge access to the mental health services. Currently, there is a lack of such options.
One more issue in this regard is the need of making the assessment of behavior a standardized care for the violence prevention in the educational facilities, organizations of different types (working places) and other public settings. Finally, it is essential to establish the teams, which would be responsible for assessment of the threat, posed by the individuals, who fall into the risk group. Such approach is needed for identification of the probability of self-harm or violence and afterwards, for developing the corresponding intervention measures.
Prevention of the Gun Violence at the Community Level
Such form of the violence prevention takes its place alongside with the continuum, which, in turn, takes its start in the early childhood and is integrated into the programs, which are developed for supporting parents in terms of rising the healthy generation.
One of the central aspects of this program is the identification of the troubled individuals (posing the threat of violent behavior) and addressing their problem with appropriate treatment or corresponding therapy. The responsibility in this case should be put on the mental health community, which should develop, implement into the practice and maintain the problem-solving models, oriented on the gun violence prevention. Such models should integrate the strategies on prevention of such type of violent behavior as well as manage the currently existing trend of operation in silos (inherent to the large number of communities).
While referring to the practical experience, it is possible to trace the success of the community-based programs of police training in terms crisis intervention commonly with the members of community: providing the first aid for the individuals, suffering form mental health disorders. That is why, such types of programs should be furthermore monitored and expanded to the new communities. Also, there is a need for the messaging campaigns, issued for enhancement of the public health and oriented on the safe storage of guns and other weapons as well.
Prevention of the Gun Violence at the Federal Level
In the case if the handgun purchasers are licensed, and the background check requirements are imposed for the entire set of the gun sales, there is possibility of minimization of the availability of the of guns for the criminals. In order to reduce the rates of the gun violence in the country, it is critically essential to make the set of corresponding interventions at the federal level in the following areas: public health, legal, public safety, health and community.
Alpers, P., & Wilson, M. (2013). Global impact of gun violence: Firearms, public health and safety in APA (2013) Gun Violence: Prediction, Prevention, and Policy APA Panel of Experts Report. Retrieved from: https://www.apa.org/pubs/info/reports/gun-violence-report.pdf
APA (2013) Gun Violence: Prediction, Prevention, and Policy APA Panel of Experts Report. Retrieved from: https://www.apa.org/pubs/info/reports/gun-violence-report.pdf
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2013). Injury prevention & control: Data & statistics (WISQARS™). in APA (2013) Gun Violence: Prediction, Prevention, and Policy APA Panel of Experts Report. Retrieved from: https://www.apa.org/pubs/info/reports/gun-violence-report.pdf
Kelly, R. L. (2014) Kelly Report. Retrieved from: https://robinkelly.house.gov/sites/robinkelly.house.gov/files/wysiwyg_uploaded/KellyReport_1.pdf
White House. (2013). Now is the time. Retrieved from http://www. whitehouse.gov/issues/preventing-gun-violence