Alcoholism is a social problem which I attracting great concern due to the effects it has on both the individuals and the society in general. This affects the life of the individual greatly leading to diseases like liver cirrhosis which may further lead to death of the affected individual. The effects of alcoholism may accumulate leading to stress and depression of individuals which may in turn cause high blood pressure and other related illnesses. The effects of alcoholism are very severe in relation to the family life because it leads to poor financial management and lack of budgeting for the needs of the family. This therefore may lead to family conflicts and domestic violence. The effects of alcoholism may also have a negative impact on the whole society or community because the productivity of the workers in their places of work may greatly decline leading to poor performance of the organizations they work for. This therefore calls for closer attention and monitoring of alcoholism in order to reduce its effects both at the individual level and the societal level in general. This menace can therefore be approached using the three models of human services in order to arrive at the reasonable solutions to the effects both at the individual level and the effects on the whole community.
In the context of the medical model, the problem is approached in a medical perspective at the individual level. This involves diagnosis of the problem as well as treatment of the individual in order to curb the problem of alcoholism. This model therefore involves the physical examination and tests of the health of an individual in order to determine the impact of alcoholism on their health. This model also involves identification of the symptoms of alcoholism and taking the victim through guidance and counselling sessions in order to help him or her recover from such a situation mainly through medical assistance. This will therefore enable to get actual evidence of the levels and extent of effects of alcoholism in an individual person. This medical model is constructive in solving the problem of alcoholism because it will help in identification of actual effects and diseases that alcoholism cause in the health system of an individual. This will therefore enable actual treatment of an individual personal at the personal level. This model therefore helps in providing solution to the health problems of an individual since they can be tested enabling diagnosis of the medical problem in the system of an individual. This model also helps in accurately determining the actual levels of alcoholism effect in the system of an individual thereby enabling close monitoring and regular treatments. The medical model may therefore face a challenge in relation to determination of the actual person(s) involved in control of the medical services which therefore affects the reliability of the model in handling the problem of alcoholism. This model is weak in the sense that it will only solve the problem of alcoholism at an individual level and cannot give much attention or reasonable solutions to the effects of alcoholism in the whole society and institutions. This is due to the fact that it only gives focus and attention to the effects of alcoholism on the health of an individual person. This model may only treat alcoholism as a disease without consideration of the negative social impact.
In relation to the public health model, the problem of alcoholism is approached both at the individual level as well as the effects of alcoholism on the larger populations. This therefore helps in solving the effects of alcoholism in the whole society rather than concentrating on individuals alone. This model calls for the attention of the whole population and society in curbing the impact of alcoholism. The public health model therefore takes into consideration the public health programs which aims at prevention of alcoholism through regulation of alcohol consumption. This model therefore focuses on the role of the whole society in prevention and rehabilitation of the alcoholics in the society. This will therefore help in solving the alcoholic problems in the society through enhancing the participation of members of the members of the society in solving such problems. The public health model therefore gives and identifies the root causes of the alcoholism problems as well as means of curbing this problem in the perspective of the whole society concerned. The public health organizations and institutions plays a role of creating awareness about the effects of alcoholism to the individuals’ health and that of whole community. They therefore play a role of provision of information pertaining to awareness of alcoholism effects as well as ways of solving it. The public health model is instrumental in solving the problem of alcoholism because it takes into consideration of the environment pertaining to the society in general.
The human service model provides is of essence in helping provision of solutions to the problems of the individuals. This model takes into consideration the problems of individuals in relation their problems. The individual people are the components of the human service model. This model helps in aggregating different groups of people and populations in relation to their lifestyles and geographic locations with the common problems. This model involves identification of the problem where in this case the problem is alcoholism. After identification of the problem the decision making process will be facilitated in order to determine the causes and effects of alcoholism in the society. This model also gives constructive solutions to the problem of alcoholism in the society. The integration of human service model in relation to client knowledge, behaviors and skills. This model is very instrumental in giving much attention to the essence of working with the whole society and the responsibilities of the society. This gives proper accountability of effects of alcoholism in the society.
The Alcoholics Anonymous program aims at curbing the effects of alcoholism in the society. The program aims at reducing the levels of alcohol consumption by teach individual in order to reduce the impact of alcoholism on the health of individuals mainly due to excessive consumption of alcohol. The program was initially based on religion and spirituality but later turned more into aspects of prevention of the effects of alcoholism in the society. This program also serves the purpose of reducing as well as solving the instances of homicide and family conflicts which are mainly as a result of excessive consumption of alcohol by the individuals. The program therefore aims at reducing the causes of alcoholism related deaths.
The free alcohol rehab in Michael’s House is mainly intended to help the people who are affected by alcoholism but they lack the financial support and ability to go through the rehabilitation process. This program aims at helping the alcoholics to recover from this negative effects associated with alcoholism. This program aims at strategizing to expand to in order to include most of the drug rehabilitations so as to improve the welfare of the society.
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