1 Morality VS Profit
What money cannot buy? My personal opinion is that each person has his own system of values. For some people, the most important thing in life is friendship, love is the most important aspect of life for others, for the third type of people the biggest value in life is the welfare of people that they love and that they care about. However, there is a type of people who can worry only about their own benefits and their well-being. I can agree that all of us in some degree wish prosperity for ourselves in every sense of the word, but there are individuals who overstate this level to such an extent that communication with them transforms into something disgusting.
This question I find to be very philosophical and I find it to cover some global problems of society and each individual as a separate part of society. The paradox that appears to be the main issue of our times that is connected to the problem of morality versus profit is that we started to build higher buildings, but they are lower than our temples; we build roads to be wide, but our outlook is very narrow; we strive to spend more, but as the result we get less; we live in big houses, but we have small families; we have more features, but less time; more knowledge and information, but less common sense; more experts, and even more problems; the best medicine in history, but worse health. If to we agree with the thesis of Niklas Luhmann on self-sufficiency of economy, which supposedly speaks only the language of prices and remains deaf to the demands of morality, it is necessary to forget that economic activity is always more and professional activity, which is under the influence of norms of professional ethics.(Luhmann, 32)
2 Solve the Ethical problem of cheating in the (1) Corporate Buisness (2) Personal Relationships (3)School Exams and (4)Entitlement Programs for the poor
In business, and any other significant activities cheating destroys the trust partnership, leading to layoffs and lost opportunities, and therefore money. In some cases, such as esteemed corporation, if you are ever caught in a lie your career is done since that moment, reputation is ruined, and you hit the black list nationwide. This means that you will not get a permission to work obtaining a prestigious position anywhere else within your profession. In a dark business on the contrary, the work is based on cheating, but the price paid is also very big.
I’m not an expert to know what is of major importance in personal relationships. But what I know for sure is that if I was asked to write the instructions of the ideal relationship, I probably would have failed. But I know what is the to most important thing to start with. I would start with the advice, and this advice, would put the basis of an ideal relationship. I would have written in large letters that the strongest poison for any relationship is cheating. And would put a large exclamation mark in the end.
Cheating is defined as the action associated with the presentation of someone else work as your own. This can be expressed in various forms, including direct copying, fees to a third party for the performance of the work for you, buying on the future of the test, etc. Statistics show that cheating is a serious problem in the system of university education in the United States. In my opinion cheating during school or university exam is totally unacceptable.(Sawvel, 22)
Works Cited
Luhmann, Niklas. Social Systems. Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press, 1995. Print.
Sawvel, Patty Jo. Cheating. Detroit: Greenhaven Press/Thomson Gale, 2008. Print.