Samsung Galaxy S III was introduced by Samsung Electronics and it was presented with unique features such as fully loaded Android 4.0 ice cream Sandwich, a processor that is zippy dual-core, 4G LTE/HSPA+42 capability and a camera that is stated to be very strong at 8-megapixel. According to most buyers, the Phones price is also right and the S Beam is said to be a proper enhancement of software. The devise is developed with a hardware that is high performing and features of software that are very creative and this has enabled Samsung Galaxy S III to be recognized as a top-end phone that is excellent and that has introduced a neck to neck competition to HTC one X. From the outer side, Galaxy S III has a vibrant HD display that is large and a large internal memory and also a 2GB RAM. The phone was introduced with $199.99 which was said to be very competitive.
Samsung Galaxy S III is a slate format, multi-touch Smartphone which runs the operating system of android. Samsung Electronics has developed, designed and marketed the device. The Smartphone has additional features of software, a redesigned physique from the Samsung Galaxy II and an expanded hardware. The S III has however been designed with a very unique factor which is described as an eye tracking ability. The phone has an increased storage, an option of wireless charging and an intelligent personal assistant. The phone has said to raise quality standards in the social networks through its ease and uniqueness. It is easy to communicate with the gadget through face book, twitter, yahoo and other social networks easily and comfortably like one was using a computer. The phone is associated with upper level individuals also and this mostly goes with the brand name. Samsung is a name that many wants to be associated with due to its good public image world wide and this saw to the large market share that comes with most of the company’s product globally.
The phone is designed in a dynamic way that it can fit to be used in all industries. It generally can serve all the purposes of a computer thus making it easy to use and convenient. With its large memory the phone can easily store and retrieve a number of files easily. The Smartphone has an ability to serve all business industries with its design and this has played a very big role in its positive impact in the market. The S III has received millions of pre-orders from various parts of the country immediately two weeks after its launch and this proved that the gadget is the fastest selling Smartphone in the globe. The S III is an easy target for the business people and has been potentially used by both middle class individuals and also those in the upper class level. The phone is however more fit for business industries and also for the communication world. Business people have found an easy way of leaving their laptops back in their homes since the phone carry out all the services for them.
Though the gadget was well received in most of the markets in the world and enabling the Samsung Company to receive high profits, the price in most markets is said to have been the barrier to its adoption. Samsung S III was introduced with a price that is higher than its competitor’s gadget and this made it a bit difficult for middle level individuals to purchase the phone. This gives way to the competitor’s gadgets especially those introduced with lesser affordable prices and also for substitutes gadgets. In regards to business, this is not a very attractive feature since it can highly affect the sales for the company thus giving way to higher prices for the competitor’s products. However, this might not affect the company greatly since Samsung Company has always maintained a high level quality of products and services thus making it easy to develop new clients and maintain the existing ones. Samsung S III is a phone that may also prove difficult for some people to use and therefore at some point the phone is not so flexible. This also is a major reason why it may not be easily adapted in the market since some individuals may find it very difficult to use.
So far the technology has not evolved any issues and thus has proved to be a very effective and efficient gadget. After introduction however, a large number of users gave reports that their Samsung Galaxy S III just went off with no warning exactly after six months of activation and this in most cases left the phones without any response. In order to deal with this issue the Company had to replace main boards of the gadgets affected and those which were under warranty. This paused as a threat towards the sales of the products in the mid 2012 but currently the market share has gone up thus declaring the phone as one of the most sold worldwide. This problem also saw the company release a firmware update in 2013 January in order to correct the issue.
In conclusion, Samsung Electronics has brought the world into a new edge of technology. With the introduction of Samsung S III the company has also reached another high level that has become a great threat to the competitors especially with the popularity the devise has gained and the ease at which the market has adapted to the gadget. The gadget is said to be unique and well designed and it has been the desire of many to own one even for those who cannot afford it. The only problem that has arisen is the price in which it is being offered in most markets. However, with its complexity and sophistication, the product is worth the value.
Work Cited
Beavis, G. (2012, October 3). Samsung Galaxy SIII review. Retrieved February 1, 2013, from techrader.phones:
Sakr, S. (2012, May 25). Samsung Galaxy S III review. Retrieved February 1, 2013, from engadget: (2013). Samsung Galaxy S III. Retrieved February 1, 2013, from