- Pre-employment screening
- This involve placing of ads in the right sources to get applications from the right candidates Interviewing
- Carry out pre-employment tests such as skills, personality traits, and motivations Background checks for address
- Verification of education and employment records, criminal activities and references Employee termination steps
- Document employee record and relationship from the start by ensuring that employees sign policies and other necessities such as background checks and conduct drug testing procedures Conduct a sincere and accurate evaluation and counseling and document them
- Conduct an internal grievances program and policy that is comprehensive and clear
- Carry out an investigation before termination
- Search for external help from superiors and other concerned parties before reaching a decision
- Document the reasons for termination
- Conduct exit interviews for both low-level and high-level employees to give the employer an opportunity to learn if the employee had observed activities that violated the law. It also provide the employer with useful evidence to present in any law suit.
- Human resource department
- Administration department
- Security department
- IT department
Security departments will communicate with other departments through confidential memos to avoid uproar among other employees. The termination letter is given to the concerned party and all other departments notified by the security department to cease access rights and privileges enjoyed by the employee.
The external departments are required to adhere to the employee termination process and cease all privileges and rights. These can be enforced by use of policies which prescribe individual responsibilities if such demands are not adhered to. A signed policy by every employee holds him responsible for extending privileges to terminated employees.
Joydeep Hor, L. K. (2009). Managing Termination of Employment:. CCH Australia Limited.
Office, I. L. (2000). Termination of employment digest : [a legislative review]. International Labour Organization.
Samuel G. Charlton, T. G. (2012). Handbook of Human Factors Testing and Evaluation. Taylor & Francis.
Schiedat, D. (2012). Knowledge Transfer Through Multinational Teams. GRIN Verlag.
transfer, T. (2012). Innovation through Knowledge Transfer. Springer.