Security is a big issue now more than in the past. It has amplified the alertness to a higher degree than ever before. In the workplace however, it is necessary to keep information as well as individuals and the organization secured. One cannot be too sure as to what will happen when information gets out and into the wrong hands. The date of birth, address and social security number just to name a few are all a part of what needs to be secured to protect the individual. Also the organizations can be deemed at fault if an employee is hurt due to lack of security, or if the organizations data and other valuable information is released without permission. There are steps to take to prevent this from happening.
A disgruntled employee can place havoc on the employer and use their anger to fuel them to release valuable and secret information that should have been secured. The organization should be aware and should limit those who have access to such high risk information. According to one resource “identify all privileged accounts and credentials [and] immediately terminate those that are no longer in use or are connected to employees” (Bosnian 2015, p. 1). The rest of the staff should be monitored and tracked while at work concerning what they are doing. Training employees that they should use passwords and change them often to create a more secured workspace is also another thing that can be done.
A couple of years ago security breaches reached its all-time high. The rate at which people were taking information from the organization or from others was disturbing. The security level for individuals and organizations at the workplace were not up to speed with what was going on. Based on one source “attacks and repeated admonishments from security professionals that businesses (and individuals) needed to do a better job protecting sensitive data” (Schiff 2015, p. 1). Obvious non-secured routines had to change immediately.
There are many components of public and private administration. They range from the security of the individuals, organizations and the public to the safety of those mentioned. In the public administration the law is obeyed and law enforcement have the right to detain and arrest those deemed guilty or having to do with the security breach or security issue. In the private sector having a security guard on hand does not constitute that they have all the legal rights of that of the law enforcement. Also private administration are not able to use all the weapons or materials necessary to detain those they deem in the wrong.
A security officer can detain but cannot make an arrest, whereas the public law enforcement have the right to do so. Private security agencies are managed differently to that of public law enforcement agencies. Businesses just don’t ask for a detective or police officer to relocate to their department, they would have to ask the private sector for that. There would be a contract in place as to the length of time the security personnel would be employed and what they have the rights to do. They have the right during an ongoing security problem to contact the law enforcement personnel. However, you do not expect the public law enforcement to contact the security which is a lower level.
Bosnian, Adam. (2015). IT and security experts discuss the leading causes of security breaches
and what your organization can do to reduce them. 1-2. Retrieved 4/24/2016 from
Schiff, J. L. (2015, January). 6 Biggest Business Security Risks and How You Can Fight Back. 1-6. Retrieved 4/24/2016 from