The course introduces the conception and comprehension of images using methods, materials and play. The details of the unit cover social design elements along with historical and cultural meaning through innovation creativity and concerns of contemporary art. Studentsare expected to have the capability of examining the surrounding physical and social environments with artistic skills.
Learning how to participate and be resourceful in a discussion and collaboratework has been challenging. However, thisskillis acquired over time. The key areas that I have worked on are being a good listener and a contributor in the various class discussions. My daily entries that contain research notes, drawings, collages, photos and other visual information have helped me to examine them carefully with an art eye. This aspect has assisted me to come up with substantive ideas that I discuss with my colleagues. This enables me to not only be an active member but also a resource to the group discussions. In collaborate work,brain storming helps a lot because we are able to capture every person’s perspective before coming up with compromised and standard ideas.
I have been able to capture some of the best insights in art and architecture through interaction with a large number of colleges who have different ideas. Collectively, we have developed the skill of resilience and trained to know that success does not just occur over night. There must be some very high level of determination and seriousness in art. The desired end design might not come out as expected. Therefore,there is the requisition of further calculation and redesigning. I have learnt numerous aspects in the collaborative work through other people. We should give each other 100% support during problem solving for best results because a single-minded person might not capture all the dimensions.
I have realized an angle of critical thinking in relation to the art conception process through extensive reading of research notes, drawings, photos and other visual information and reflection materials.I have also explored the possibility of connecting a wide range of high tech and low-tech approaches in coming up with unique and cheaper designs. Reading has also enabled me to develop a conceptual approach in art making. Reading helps instill the urge for a continuous process of exploring new designs of art work developed.
Generally, research has proven to be a very important tool for the development of artwork and architecture. Research helps explore the possibility of coming up with new ideas, study questions and help predict the future of art work because it is a highly dynamic field. It also helps in the development of skills and knowledge of visual grammar.
During the feedback period, we get critiques from different sets of ideologies.Therefore, we are able to identify our own failures and spot those of others. This helps us to develop an art eye. Half of the ideas from our colleges helps ustop up our creativity and eventually turn them to scholarly ideas. For oral presentation, electronic journals are convenient because they are easy to locate through the website. E-journals are also another advantage because they are up to date materials. Documentation is also easy as compared to the library journals. The course design as well as all the protocols and prescribed equipments are very useful because they cover all the senses of artwork and architecture hence building on our skills and profession.