Main themes, concepts and arguments
The main theme involves the practical application of the pragmatic method in addressing controversies. How to apply pragmatism in understanding practical consequences and truth as it relates to pragmatism are discussed. William James argues that truth can be established by attending to practical consequences of ideas. He adds that just agreeing with ideas does not necessarily constitute the truth. The author argues that application of pragmatism helps to clarify meaning of concepts and does not intend to advance any specific theory.
How the author structures his/her argument and the author's method
However, from the pragmatic point of view these words on their own apply as tools to or instruments in moving forward and understanding realities. James provides an example of the application of pragmatic approach by discussion Dewey and Schiller’s definition of truth. Dewy and Schiller note that ideas are true as long as they aid in assisting understanding our own reality. In this statement James, definition of pragmatism, which focuses on practical consequences, is clearly indicated. James the goes ahead to explain how new opinions are formed based on the instrumentalist approach to truth. If a new truth contradicts an old truth, an individual has to undergo some form of experience that sheds more light and brings a new idea that agrees with older truths but only to a certain extent within which they can be applied. The new truth has to cohere with future beliefs.
Assess with the class the success of the author's argument
In the author’s argument, more emphasis has been placed on how truth is formed or perceived by an individual. How James quantifies an argument to be worthwhile is also questionable. By stating that if an argument or dispute is only worthwhile if it can be related in the real world, the author fails to provide a concrete example for such a scenario. One can then assume or perceive that pragmatism has a weakness or limitation in that it only addresses a specify range of disputes.
Impact of the author and the work
When trying to apply pragmatism, a challenge develops on how to predict future consequences. Therefore, chances are that if individuals do predict certain consequences, in approaching certain problems, false conclusions may be drawn. Application of pragmatism leads to more questions beyond the metaphysical limit. This then pragmatic approach acts as a tool in the understanding of various laws, which are developed in the human mind and in every sense are only approximations.
Questions to understand the text better
What does it mean when an argument cannot be applied in the real world then the argument is idle?
Does this necessarily imply that the argument or dispute is not relevant?