The best servant leader who ever lived on earth is Jesus Christ. He was born of Virgin Mary after His conception through the Holy Spirit in the book of Luke 1:26. This was a fulfilment of the prophet Isaiah prophecy in the book of Isaiah 7:14. Isaiah prophesied and said that a virgin shall conceive a child whose name shall be Immanuel meaning, God with us. The Law of Moses in the book of Deuteronomy 18:15 states that God shall raise a prophet like Moses and he shall be hearkened by many that live on the land.
Inspiration also continues to say in the book of Jeremiah that God shall raise a Righteous Branch in the house of David and He shall execute judgement and righteousness in the land. Jeremiah 33:15. Jesus Christ was born I the third or the fourth month of the following year after conception in the sixth month disqualifying the worldwide heresy that He was born in the twelfth moth of the year. The first men to see a sign that a Servant leader was born Bethlehem were the wise men and the shepherds. Jesus was to be born in Jerusalem to fulfil what Prophet Micah said in the book of Micah 5:2. Being led by the Finger of God, Micah prophesied and said that out of Bethlehem there shall come forth a ruler. On the eighth day, Jesus was circumcised according to the Jewish culture.
When Jesus was baptized by immersion in the river Jordan by John, He began His ministry by preaching repentance to the people of Israelites. This came after fasting for forty days in the wilderness and being tempted of the Devil but He overcame him by the Word of God. Jesus ministry was characterized by preaching, teaching then healing. According to Matthew 5, 6, and 7, Christ starts by preaching the beatitudes. This is followed by expounding what the law said especially concerning their relationship with others. Afterwards, He goes to Peter’s mother in law to heal her of the fever that had attacked her. By that evening, the news had spread all over Galilee. The Galileans brought to Jesus all those people who were sick of various diseases and demon possessed so that He might heal them. This was all in line with what the prophet of God, Isaiah 61:1, had said the Jesus will take away their infirmities.
During exorcism, the demons would cry out the He was the Son of God and had come to destroy them before time but Jesus had to stop them from saying so. At a certain instance, the some demons requested to be led to a nearby herd of swine, which was driven into the sea to drown. Jesus was a Jew and He underwent all the Jewish rites of passage. It was also His tradition to go the synagogue on Sabbath. The Pharisees and the Sadducees were always in conflict with each other because of the scriptures. They never acknowledged that Jesus as the true Messiah spoken of in the Law of Moses, Psalms and the prophets. On a certain Sabbath Jesus healed a man who had a withered hand. This was a source of controversy because he had healed on Sabbath. This proved to them that Jesus was even the Lord of the Sabbath. Jesus also went ahead in doing good to people wherever He went. In most cases, Jesus did more of healing than teaching. There was this man who was sick for thirty-eight years and he sat by the pool waiting for the pool stir so that he would jump in. The Jews believed that the pool had the healing power when an angel stirred it up. Jesus asked the man ironically whether he would like to be healed. Jesus disapproved what he had believed as wrong by asking him to get up and go. The sick man left and went. On several occasions, he fed thousand with too little bread and fishes to their satisfaction.
Jesus as a leader, He appointed twelve disciples to help Him in His ministry. Among them was Peter, Cephas, a fisherman and Matthew who was a tax collector. He had taught them all what they needed to learn and it was their turn to put what they had learned into practise. They went out as they had but they were unable to cast out demons. Jesus went ahead and told they needed to pray and fast otherwise, it will be impossible for them. Pharisees and Sadducees never believed that there was resurrection if somebody died. In the incidence of the death of Lazarus, the whole story took another direction altogether. Jesus had received news that His friend Lazarus was terribly ill and he was about to die. Jesus tarried for so long that Lazarus died and was buried and stayed in the tomb for three days. Mary and Martha wept over the death of Lazarus and Jesus seeing their little faith He wept. Jesus went to the tomb where Lazarus laid dead, and raised him back to life.
The Jews valued themselves above all other people back in the days. According to their culture, it was wrong to intermingle with sinners. Jesus raised storm in the hood when He asked Zacheus the task collector to come down the tree so that He may go and sup with him. Jesus went beyond cultural and gender boundaries. The Samaritan woman at the well was a great witness to His ministry. She asked everybody to come and see the One who had told her everything she had ever done with her life.
Jesus ministry on earth took three and a half years. When those years were over, He had done the ultimate thing that He came to do on earth. His death was in line with what Prophet Daniel said that the Messiah should be cut off. One of His disciples, Judas, caused his death. A friend betrayed Jesus. Jesus had the power to defend himself. He knew what was about to happen to Him but never used his powers for His own benefit. Jesus died for the entire world. Jesus could have been the best scientist who ever lived, but He opted to safe humankind from eternal death. He tasted death on our behalf. John in his Gospel says that if Heavens and the earth became writing material and tress became pens. They would be insufficient to write what Jesus did while on earth.