Sexual relationship is seen as one of the key concepts of the healthy relationship between husband and wife. However, do they need to have sex on the regular basis. Many questions and thoughts arise when we think about this subject. Marriage includes physical relationship with each other.
People who married each other should also be physically attracted to each other. It is important to have a healthy relationship and for many couples sex is an inalienable part of it. There are many reasons why couples are not having sex. According to WebMD: “Familiarity, advancing age, work pressures, the challenges of raising a family, and household responsibilities all conspire against regular sex” (Chang Web). Also, “a relationship with your spouse” can become one of the reasons (Hillin Web). Sex on demand should not take place, however, sex in general should. In most cases, married people stay in a monogamous relationship as a result, they can get sex only from each other. It is important to consider both needs physical interaction both for men and women. It does not mean that every certain day of the week a married couple should have sex. However, this activity should be one of the parts of their relationship. It is important to understand that force should not take place in this case. People should be showing their own will to do so. Love will be a reason to have sex with each other. There are many instances when couples tend to break up due to the lack of sexual interaction between spouses. So if this can be prevented, then people should feel and understand the needs of each other.
In conclusion, sex has to take part in the relationship. In order to keep the relationship going people need to develop all the aspects of it. Spouses need to be physically close to each other.
Works Cited
Chang, L. 365 Nights of Sex. WebMD. Web.
Hillin, T. The Real Reason You aren’t Having Sex with Your Spouse. Web.