1. The paper (BP Global, 2016) aims to describe the world energy consumption and present the trends in the industry. The population is the oil, natural gas, coal, nuclear energy, hydroelectricity, renewable and primary energy use of various countries. The paper is a descriptive review.
2. The research is provided by BP Global, which has been performing the energy reviews for 65 years. Therefore, the methodology is well-developed and the research is unbiased (Thiessen, 2013).
3. The data are based on the figures presented by the governments, and thus are reliable. The sample is based on processing the numerical data, and therefore the bias is improbable.
4. The figures of interest are the energy resources production, consumption, and reserves. They are not difficult to measure, since these are engineering figures.
5. The confounding variable is the variable for energy generation. It is presented as the gross generation variable, which means generation at source. The gross generation does not consider energy loss, and this might be different for every country, depending on the engineering equipment applied.
6. The results presentation is fair. All the parties (countries) are represented equally.
7. The study conclusions are the short text reviews with generalization numbers. The conclusions present up-to-date situation on the energy consumption by energy types. The conclusions are reasonable.
8. The results have practical application since they allow assessing the trends in energy production and consumption. The numerous supplementary data are presented: regional characteristics, long-term historical data, prices for energy resources, energy distribution system (BP Global, 2016).
BP Global. (2016). Statistical Review of World Energy. Retrieved from http://www.bp.com/content/dam/bp/pdf/energy-economics/statistical-review-2016/bp-statistical-review-of-world-energy-2016-full-report.pdf.
Thiessen, H. (2013). Measuring the real world: A textbook in applied statistical methods. (Measuring the real world.) Chichester: John Wiley & Sons.