The Comparison Contrast Essay on, "Global Warming is Eroding Glacial Ice" by Revkin with "Polar Ice Melt is accelerating" by Gautam.
The frequent events of floods and storms with raging severity have diverted the concern of writers and thinkers to grasp the root cause of the occurrence for timely cure. The two thinkers Revik and Gautam have elucidated the cause and effects of global warming in their articles to present their perceptions with evidence.
The two writers have pointed exceeding water levels as the main reason of the incidences. The two writers have presented readings from numerous scientific research and studies to support their perception. However, the dimensions to display the analysis are different in forms presentation. Whilst, Revkin used references to support his finding, Gautam seems to attain and present conclusions from scholarly readings and scientific studies.
Revkin emphasized on ice melting with a focus on Mount Kilimanjaro as a guage of pace. While, Gautam elucidate his observations with the support of melting rate of polar ice sheers. In The later part of the essay Revkin also grant a share to natural changes for the exceeding pace of melting. Likewise, Gautam also suggest geological changes partly responsible for ice melting with eventual raise in sea water level. In the same manner the two writer agrees over the point of global warming as major element of the changes. As says, Revkin in his article, " Having such a rapid erosion of glaciers in so many places is harder to explain except by global warming". However, Gautnam presents his observation from the insight of Prof. Shepherd by stating; "The shrinkage of the permanent ice sheets can't entirely be explained by any of the decades long or century long natural shifts in climate cycles".
Precisely, it can be stated that the two reading are similar in a number of perspectives from the point of consideration to the presentation of information on grounds of issue raised, perceptions, findings and warnings. However, the difference between the styles is the obvious finding. The two writers have summarized the impact of raise on water level with correlation to melting of glaciers and polar ice but Gautam's approach is more scientific while Revkin seems to support his findings with the support of readings of the icecap atop Mount Kilimanjaro.