Article questions
A business cannot succeed if there is no commitment, dedication and the right attitude. On top of that, every individual who aspires to start a business should critically examine the market if it is fit for the product or the service he/she plans to sell
There are various situational factors that Paola had to consider before starting her Five Sense Spa and Salon. First, she had to critically examine the demand for quality services by the customers, accessibility, and the environment of her spa and salon, and the availability of capital and partners who are interested in her venture.
Paola’s expectations
Paola expected that her employees are well trained, experienced, skilled, and hospitable as they attend their customers. The other element was that she requires them to be equally hardworking so that they could help her realize her business goals (Hatten 2). Agree with these expectations, since most businesses can only run smoothly if you have dedicated and hardworking staff who are well trained and educated on market and customer demand for a certain product or service. One can only realize profits and fulfill customer expectations if the employees are aware of what roles they play in a business venture (Hatten 3).
One of the major challenges that Paola faces is the cost of running the business given that all the expenses that the spa and salon require so that it can run are costly. The wages for the employees is costly given that she does not pay them on commission, but their ability to attract and retain customers, the rent that is needed given that the business is located in a commercial area, the costs of products for the salon among others. The challenge could risk the business from realizing its profits. The best way of overcoming the challenges is to improve her marketing strategies to attract customers enough customers that can meet her reliability costs.
Works cited
Hatten, Timothy S. Small business management: Entrepreneurship and beyond. Nelson Education, 2015.