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Perceived Susceptibility
The level of perceived susceptibility of sleep duration affects directly the ability of a person to operate vehicles, preserve healthy body weight, and maintain clear concentration. Low perceived susceptibility of sleep duration may create high risks for health in people who are deprived of normal 8-hours sleep. High perceived sustainability decreases the risks of maintaining negative sleep habits.
Perceived Severity
If a person does not realize the seriousness of the significance of sleep, it may lead to sleep deprivation, and as a result, to the problems like maintain good physical health, remain active, control appetite, and drive vehicles. High perceived severity enables individuals to have enough time for sleep avoiding the negative consequences of sleep deprivation.
Perceived benefits
Realizing the benefits of 8-hours sleep, individuals avoid the problem of sleep deprivation. The main benefits of 8-hours sleep include the ability to control healthy diet, operate machinery, remain concentrated, stay physically active, and productive in daily functions. Inability to understand the benefits of good sleep will cause adverse effect on people.
Perceived Barriers
Possible barriers preventing people from getting 8-hours sleep include the socio-economic factors, like the specificities of work; life-style characteristics, such as constant partying; or high level of stress. When individuals perceive these factors as barriers, they will continue to experience sleep deprivation.
Cues to Action
Cues to action may be psychological or physical and be manifested in the loss of concentration, inability to engage into active work or operate machinery, as well as incapability to enjoy life. The cues can be external and be embodied in the feedback of the others.
I consider that I can maintain 8-hours sleep for the majority of time, as I understand the severity of the sleep deprivation and its effect on my health and well being. I try to manage my time accordingly to eliminate the barriers of getting necessary sleep in time.