There are a number of social revolutions that have ever been instigated by technological changes in life. This began back in the early days when technology was applied to change certain human life style .these led to four major social revolutions as discussed below.
Animal Domestication and Plant Cultivation Societies
The first social revolution was the abolition of hunting and gathering because of domestication of animals and plant cultivation. The domestication of animals and crop cultivation made supply of food is predictable which led to great growth in population. Population growth was supportive for division of labor as the excess labor supply was used in other relative forms of production (Smelser, Gerstein & National Research Council 1986). People began to exchange their surplus production, which led to the initiation of trade through the exchange of goods for goods. However, with an increase in trade, inequality and rise of social classes began as others began to accumulate more wealth than before. This led to social differences and later social menaces such as theft, robbery and war in the name of gathering more wealth and earnings.
Horticultural Societies
The horticultural societies provided the primary means of obtaining subsistence food in local agriculture using small hand tools. Intense cultivation resulted into increase in crop production that intern led to increased population because of surplus food. The surpluses in production gave rise to the division of labor, as other members of the society would now engage in other types of production rather than horticulture. Horticulture differed from traditional agriculture in that horticulture gave a new way of agriculture by introducing new tools, animals, machinery, and science of production that has made agriculture more efficient and determinable as opposed to tradition agriculture (Smelser, Gerstein & National Research Council 1986). The horticultural societies were equally one of the first to set permanent places of residence since they no longer had to look for food, but instead, produced their own. This technological production of horticulture hence led to a diverse revolution in the society by drastically increasing food production. However, the invention of horticulture has had a side effect on the environment. This has resulted to global warming and effect of the carbon gas caused by the greenhouse effect on the environment.
Invention of the Plow and Agrarian Societies
The invention of the plow led to social revolution at the beginning of the agrarian revolution. The plow made it more efficient and easy for the society at then to produce in large scale as the use of animals and new tools was in place. It expanded agriculture. The main consequence of this technology was that people relaxed from production as food was in surplus. People therefore, began to withdraw their labor service, to which led to the development of slums in the growing cities.
The primary goal of the industrial society was increased production through modern technology based of mechanization of the production process. This involved invention of machinery that was used in the production (Smelser, Gerstein & National Research Council 1986). This revolution also engaged introduction of non-food items production. This revolution consequentially led to the disappearance of the small artistic industries for mass production in the new industries. This damaged human relationship in the society because of increased gap between the rich and the poor.
Processes of Social Change
William Fielding Ogburn describes social change as a long process that is periodically based on the following three processes as outlined below.
Invention Process
The invention process of social change is the precedent change stage that is guided by information gathered within a society of existing trends and ways of life. Example is the realization of new trends and fashions of life.
Cultural Change and Social disorganization
This is when a society makes changes from one way of living to a new way. It is the transition period of trying to adapt to new ways of life. This is evident when one when one puts in a new style of life.
Adjustment Process
This is the last stage of social change. It involves a situation where one tries to get used to a particular way of life. This stage is usually determined by the willingness of a society to adopt new ways of life. Example is when an individual walks into in a new religion or gets married and puts himself in a time set probation to adjust for future best.
Technology is a major determinant and booster in general world development if not only for the social development. Social growth has been triggered by increase in technological involvement on different grounds depending on the compatibility of the changing factors. This is an evidence that further engagement of technology in social life can greatly improve on the status and welfare individual’s in a society through increased earnings, employment and world competitiveness.
United States., Smelser, N. J., Gerstein, D. R., & National Research Council (U.S.). (1986). Behavioral and social science: Fifty years of discovery : in commemoration of the fiftieth anniversary of the "Ogburn report," Recent social trends in the United States. Washington, D.C: National Academy Press. Strategic appraisal: The changing role of information in warfare. Santa Monica, CA: RAND.
Smelser, N. J., Gerstein, D. R., & National Research Council (U.S.). (1986). Behavioral and social science: Fifty years of discovery : in commemoration of the fiftieth anniversary of the "Ogburn report," Recent social trends in the United States. Washington, D.C: National Academy Press.