The most important step in beginning to understand the phenomena of bullying must first be to define the behavior and determine how the behavior can be measured in the most meaningful and objective way possible. By referring to the previous empirical research completed in the area of bullying, a foundation can be laid to establish an operational definition. Once a definition is established, data can be gathered. This can be done through direct and indirect observations as well as reporting through survey.
A second critical step in analyzing bullying must include an understanding of the motivation for the behavior. As discussed in the video with Barbara Coloroso (2014), there are several factors and multiple dynamics which lead to bullying behavior. Most notably, however, bullying like other antisocial types of behavior, is associated with one person’s inability or unwillingness to empathize with another. By relegating someone to a non-human status, it becomes easy for the various participants whether they be active or passive, to allow bullying behavior to take place. By understanding what allows one person to dehumanize another, a researcher can begin to define and measure motivation.
It is also important to understand the target of bullying. In order to understand and change behavior, it is critically important to understand how the target of the behavior is identified. By recognizing how the target is identified, the ability to predict that the behavior will occur becomes more systematic.
Bullying behavior whether from the perspective of the perpetrator, target or passive witnesses requires a degree of disregard for others and the unwillingness to recognize and respond to those who may be unable to self-protect. According to Coloroso (2014) this is learned behavior. Bullying then can be seen as a function of how all of the parties involved were socialized. Coloroso contends that hate is not an innate concept, but is learned through parenting, media, peers and authority figures. In order to properly analyze bullying behavior, it would be necessary to identify ways in which apathy is taught and aggression is normalized in society.
Coloroso, B. (2014, Feb. 20). From school yard bullying to genocide: Barbara Coloroso at TEDxCalgary [Video file]. Retrieved from zkG0nssouFg