Kumar, Sylvia Smith and Archana. "Impact of Corporate Social Responsibility on Employee Organizational Commitment."in Joseph, Chen. Advances in Hospitality and Leisure. Emerald Group Publsihing Limited, 2013. 49-67.
The scholars in their paper discussed the impact of Corporate Social Responsibility on Employees commitment towards the organization, that they termed as Employee Organizational Commitment(EOC). To study the impact of CSR over employees, they collected and analyzed the data from the gaming industry where they used a combination of proprietary employee survey and the statistical model- structural equation modeling (SEM). Results concluded that the employee carries a positive attitude towards CSR, which further leads to affective commitment, continuance commitment, and this strengthens the organizational loyalty in the employees. The researchers also concluded that Gender, tenure and position of employees within the company acted as variables that moderated the relationship between CSR and EOC.
Gond, El-Akremi, Igalens and Swaen. "Corporate Social Responsibility influence on employees". 2010.
The researchers conducted their analysis if the Corporate social responsibility influence employees, but, in a different manner as compared to other researches at that time. The researchers included the social identify theory and social exchange theory to study the impact of CSR on the employees to which they found that the CSR can influence social exchange dynamics as well as social identification process within the organization, and thus influence the behavior of employee positively towards the organizations. They concluded their research paper citing that CSR inculcate the changed attitude among the employees and thus, what a corporation is doing for society and what is reflected in the CSR report of the company, largely influence the employee’s perception of their organizations.
Zheng, Dan. The Impact of employees perception of Corporate Social Responsibility on Job Attitudes and Behavior: A study in China. 2010.
The study was exclusively conducted on Chinese Employees and Managers who were made part of a survey, where the researcher found that the CSR of the organization have a significant impact on the employees work attitudes and behaviors. The report exclusively discussed the importance of four dimensions of CSR, namely economic, legal, ethical, and discretionary and concluded that each dimension have equal importance and influence over the employee. They cited that even philanthropic activities of the organization, which are nowhere directly related to the employees, also influence their work attitudes and behavior; thus it is of significant importance for the corporations to look for CSR performance. Overall, the research papers provided an exclusive framework to help the reader in understanding the effect of CSR on employees works attitudes and behaviors.
Abdullah , Mohammad Hakimy and Nik Ramli Nik Abdul Rashid. The Implementation of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Programs and its Impact on Employee Organizational Citizenship Behavior’. 2012.
The research paper used advanced regression analysis to study the relationship between the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and its impact on the Employee’s Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB). The researchers used the 5 independent variables, namely CSR for government, CSR for employee, CSR for society, CSR for environmental protection and CSR for customer, to analyze their effect on the dependant variable, i.e. Employee’s Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB). The study was conducted on 154 questionnaires distributed and returned y the surveyors. The researchers after carrying multiple regressions over the independent variables concluded that three independent variables were found to be significant with the biggest influence sources from CSR-environment and then by CSR-Employee and then the CSR-Customer. Apart from the listed independent variables, the researcher also concluded that the employee behavior is also dependant on social agendas, taken care or participated by the organization. Overall, the research paper concluded that there is a positive relationship between the organizational social responsibility and employee’s behavior and thus, a company successful in maintaining high CSR standards will eventually motivate the employee to contribute positively to various aspects of organization’s performance.
Ceil, Chenoy. Employee and Corporate Social Responsibility. 2012.
The paper carries its own exclusiveness as the methodology involved is the review of past literature works over the relationship between Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and its impact on the employees of the organization. The researcher cites the work of Mohr et.al, 2001 where they concluded that the CSR is a process whereby the management of the company indulges itself into social and ethical initiatives with the application of code of conduct so as to manage the impact of their activities on customers, shareholders and employees. In another citation, they cited works of Ali et al, 2010 and commented that CSR builds a reputation for the company that positively impacts the employees. Overall, the paper, with the help of past literature review concluded that it is quintessential for the companies to engage in CSR activities so as to positively influence the employees and keep the motivated towards the achievement of the organizational commitment.