Software engineering is a subject that has found eminence and popularity with the development of information systems. With various information systems and their vital role they play in the systems development today, there has been the need to develop ethics that will govern software engineering. There are various ethics which have been initially developed to govern developments in software engineering. These developments have led to the emergence of software engineering ethic which are used in software development alone. This paper is a critical analysis of the authors of the article Software engineering code of ethics is approved by Gotterban Don, Miller Keith, and Rogerson Simon. The authors bring about the issue of software engineering and how this is becoming an important aspect in software engineering and coding. They compare the ethics that have been developed in the years before and how this ethic has developed in the way it has grown right now. Initially, there were no ethics in software engineering until after software engineering was enhanced with computerization of various business processes. The authors bring about the aspect of ethics which were specifically developed for software engineering. The authors start by giving the changes which were made to the software engineering code of ethics. They emphasize the role that software engineering code of ethics have in software development. The developers should have a new code of ethics which should be in tandem with systems development. The authors also recognize the versions of the code of ethics which have been developed.
The authors recognize the fact that information systems development is a field that is vital to systems development. The authors bring into fore eight principles that have been developed in softeware engineeng and discuss the implications that these principles have. Information systems are becoming the norm of managing processes in the world today. There is a need to ensure that the software that is being developed meet the requirements and also the ethics of software development. In developing an information system that will track people actions in a given country, there are ethical considerations that should be followed. The first principle is that of the principle of public interest. The software engineers who are developing this software should act consistently with the public interest. One issue that should be consistent with the public interest is that of privacy. Even though terrorism should be looked into and controlled, there is a need to ensure that the privacy of the public should be taken care of. The public should not feel as if they are being spied and cannot do things freely (Gotterban, Miller, & Rogerson, 1999).
The second principle in software development ethics consideration is that of client and employer. This principle requires that the software engineer should act in a manner that is in the best interests of client and employer, consistent with the public interest. The client is the user, especially the security authorities, and the employer is the government. The client should be comfortable with the system and find it easy working with the system. The client should find it better working with the system than working manually. The government should find it easy to manage the movement of people and also track the actions of people with suspicious dealings. The system should solve the problem of terrorism (Gotterban, Miller, & Rogerson, 1999).
Another principle is that of product, software engineers shall ensure that their products and related modifications meet the highest professional standards possible. The system that should be developed should be as professional as possible. It should have security features and should be simple to use. It should not be complicated. It should also be possible to upgrade and add functionalities in future (Gotterban, Miller, & Rogerson, 1999).
The software developers should also be good in judgment so that they will be able to have the right judgment about the requirements of the product. They should understand the various decisions and processes while they are developing the system. They should be able to take control. This is according to the principle of judgment where it is required that software engineers shall maintain integrity and independence in their professional judgment (Gotterban, Miller, & Rogerson, 1999).
Another principle is that of management where software engineering managers and leaders shall subscribe to and promote an ethical approach to the management of software development and maintenance. The development and the maintenance of software should follow the required procedures like that of having consistent upgrades undertaken to the software. All the steps that are taken to develop the systems should be followed. In our case, there is a need to ensure that the terrorism system should be developed starting from getting the user requirements. The right target group should give the requirement specifications. This is the ethical way that information systems are developed (Gotterban, Miller, & Rogerson, 1999).
Software engineers should strive to enhance the professionalism and the integrity of the software engineering and software development. This is ethical and will ensure that software development is not stagnant. The advancement should from an urge to enhance the interest of the public. This is in accordance with principle of profession which requires that software engineers shall advance the integrity and reputation of the profession consistent with the public interest. Terrorism is something that is being advanced every day. The development of terrorism information system should be professional (Gotterban, Miller, & Rogerson, 1999).
The seventh principle is that of colleagues which requires that software engineers shall be fair to and supportive of their colleagues. Terrorism does not have the authority and command of one software developer. Terrorism is something that is undertaken with high skills and complexity. There is therefore a need to ensure that colleagues work together to come up with strategies to mitigate this vice (Gotterban, Miller, & Rogerson, 1999).
The last principle is that of self. This requires that software engineers shall participate in lifelong learning regarding the practice of their profession and shall promote an ethical approach to the practice of the profession. It is ethical that software engineers should be learned and should know what is going on. With terrorism evolving everyday, software engineers should learn what is going on and should come up with counter measures for emerging terrorism ways (Gotterban, Miller, & Rogerson, 1999).
The authors have brought well the issue of the principles of software engineering ethics. The principles are well explained and articulated. There is a need to ensure that the principles that have been developed auger well with computer science and software engineering.
The authors have failed to show the drawback that the former code of ethics had in software engineering. They fail to show the history in which ethics have been developed. This could give a clear understanding and the role that the changes have in the new development. This is something that should be improved.
Gotterban, D., Miller, K., & Rogerson, S. (1999). Software engineering code of ethics is approved. Communications of the ACM. 42(10), 102-107.