Win as much as you can is a game that needed a group to follow a given set of rules to either make as many wins as the best decision they would make. The game that an individual group would either choose X or Y. X represents a win whereas Y represents a loss. There were five small groups each with four individuals.
During the game, trust is built from the outcome of the application of the rules of the game. The ‘You’ in the exercise represents the group leader. He is the one that decided on what to choose. The group failed to accord the game the attention it required. A win- lose game is a 50-50 game that ought to be probabilistically treated more than the trust of the rules. Understanding of the game was to be through try and error as the standard rule provided for an average that is 4x+1y. A well calculated mix of x and y would yield a good result at the beginning as this would have shaped the perspective better. The rule that if one chose X would win and one that chose Y would lose was dependent on a factor that the groups did not understand before starting the game. The game was so good until it blinded the group the ‘you’ represents. After losing, the group would lose the trust that appeared in the first sight, to be so good.
The five groups were each competing against each other. Thus, this made collaboration hard. As they did not understand the factor that the rules stood on, the only way either group would win was through collaboration. That is if two groups collaborated and revealed to each other their choice the later would chose and win. The survival for the highest win led to them being greedy that would make the groups loose more than they won. Any two groups that would collaborate didn’t have the best way to share the win to the advantage of either the group because this was a game.
That the five groups were competing against each other was hard for any of them to work at the best of the other. It is said no matter how the hen will be a good friend to the goat; none of them would eat to the other’s stomach. Trust can be built when a rule works as it stipulates. However, once rules work against its own proposition than to the applicants it seems to loose meaning. The groups that chose X in the beginning trusted the facial appearance of the rule to be easy. They felt winners only to realize the one that chose Y won on the contrary to the rule. The criterion of the rule and its application, out misunderstanding, made the groups that chose X lose trust. The game rules ought to be more explicit than it appeared for the groups to make more careful and accurate moves. The calculation of the highest win turns the highest loss as the appearance never worked to their benefit.
The groups themselves too, did not trust one another. Greedy did trust the worst as each group did not entrust the other with its win. First the rule worked to most groups’ dismay when the unexpected happened that is the group that chose wrong was right. The rule itself gave hope in conditions the groups only guessed on but were not sure as they thought. My advice to the future players would be based on the understanding that there are factors that they need to know before participating in the game. The game rules provide for an average that contradicts the first assumption of a win or a loss. Thus working with that in mind, will help them make more informed decisions on the right course of action. The dependence factor that to me is to learn on the other groups’ choice before making yours. The win-win game being a strategic game, the choice in strategy depends on the way an individual group participant positions it to know the choice of the competitor.
I would also advice the groups to take their time before playing the game. Choosing after others have chosen their the strategy, is the only way to outcompete the other groups as this would enable it chose based on what choice the other groups might have made. Another one in case the other groups do the same that is to learn on the choices made, the particular group should choose the best mix of X and Y that would yield the highest in the mix formula.
The different groups can as well collaborate in the first part of the game to learn on the factors that influence choices made. This strategy will enable them later during the game to shape individual group decision making. Whether they would stop or not after learning the insight of the rules will be their choice however they would be fairly competing afterwards. The players need to know that making a ‘plunder’ collaborate may seem unwise but would turn wise in the long run. Thus, the best would be to learn the game through collaboration than to fight to win on a game of blindfolding. The insight maybe important later than the gambled wins and losses in the game whose rules you do not understand.
In conclusion, a win-win or lose-win game requires the participants to either collaborate, avoiding, compromising or accommodating other groups in the game. The best in this type of the game, the collaboration one will work better as the groups would both benefit. This is due to the fact that none of them knows the winning strategy.