Saint Augustine
Saint Augustine
In essence, Saint Augustine emerges as one medieval ideal. He is outstanding in the contexts of, love and peace. He advocated for the respect and exercise of love among people that existed in the times of his existence. At this time, the church was barely respected and given the due effect that it deserved. Saint Augustine exercised instances of courage and zealousness. Regardless of the reaction of the people that occupied the expansive waters and extending lands in the early centuries, Saint Augustine did not give up his spirited fight to reclaim humanity and offer direction for the success of the community. Saint Augustine did not only respect Christian doctrines and principles as his foes alleged, but also he respected moral obligations that guided the medieval times. He exercised inclusivity in all that he did. I most cases, he could be seen making confessions on behalf of other people. Unlike the other people that existed in the medieval times, Saint Augustine lived by what he preached. His postulations and proclamations were actions oriented.
In essence, it is prudent and acceptable to confirm that, Saint Augustine is an icon in as far as the medieval times are in phase. In this case, the presupposition is guided by the fact that his virtues and values were rare to find. In the context of the medieval times, people were not as rational and appreciative to the environment and matters that surrounded them as it is now. However, Saint Augustine stood out as a case representative of religious piety and a role model who is still under regard now.