Goal: Increase the availability, quality and effectiveness of health intervention programs constructed to mitigate obesity, chronic diseases and enhance health and improve quality of life.
Objective: Increase the amount of community-based stakeholders and organizations, such as public health services, NGOs and state-funded organizations that provide primary prevention services of obesity and other chronic diseases in the following area:
Physical Activity
The fight against obesity and poor health require more than improved patient care experience, reduced cost and improved population health for patients with obesity and poor health. Clinical interventions alone are not sufficient to mitigate obesity and improve the health of people in U.S and across the globe. The proposed model for outdoor physical exercise combines both community and clinical system to address obesity, poor health and other chronic diseases. There is no doubt that obesity contributes significantly to cardiovascular diseases like cancer and type 2 diabetes mellitus (Fox and M 117). Physical activity intervention plays a significant role in preventing, mitigating and treating obesity and its associated diseases. However, this intervention faces several challenges: provider training; the need to deliver motivations for health systems to move past clinical care; and addressing a myriad of elements necessary for integration within social and clinical care.
Planning process
It is imperative to conduct intensive research on the selected intervention during the planning process. It is one of the most crucial processes which determine the success of the intervention. The development of an intervention program entails several processes, trials and failures. It is imperative to publicly admit failures encountered during the development of a model aimed at mitigating obesity and improve health. This process will encourage contributions from different areas which may benefit the success of the model.
Works Cited
Fox, K. R., and M. Hillsdon. "Physical activity and obesity." Obesity reviews8.s1 (2007): 115-121.