Sales Comparison
Let us calculate how much sales in dollars made each of the salespersons during 6 weeks.
Total A = week1 + week2+week3+week4+week5+week6 = 1774+1808+1890+1932+1855+1726=10985
All other calculations can be seen in graph Total of the Table1.
Central Tendency
Mean for week 1 = Total 1 /4 = 1678
Mean for week 2 = Total 2/4 = 1569,25
Mean for week 3 = Total 3/ 4= 1819,25
Mean for week 4 = Total 4/4= 1701,25
Mean for week 5 = Total 5/4 = 1701
Mean for week 6 = Total 6/4 = 1575,25
Median for week 1 =1330, 1402, 1774, 2205 = (1402+1774)/2 = 1588
Median for week 2 = 1295,1507,1665,1808 = (1507+1665)/2 = 1586
Median for week 3 = 1502, 1530, 1890, 2352 = (1530+1890) /2 = 1710
Median for week 4 = 1104,1826, 1923, 1939 = (1826+1923)/2 = 1874,5
Median for week 5 = 1189, 1703, 1855, 2052 = (1703+1855)/2 = 1779
Median for week 6 = 1441, 1498, 1630, 1726 = (1498+1630)/2 = 1564
According to this calculations, at week 1 salesperson A and B shows the results above average, while salespersons C and D – below average data. At week 2 above average results showed salespersons A and D, below average – B and C. Results of the week 3 were the same as at the week 1 – salespersons A and B were champions. At week 4 and week 5 only salesperson C did not reach the average data. Week 6 again repeats the leading positions of salesperson A and B.
Measures of dispersion
Range of week 1 = 2205-1330 = 875
Range of week 2 = 1808-1295 = 513
Range of week 3 = 2352-1502 = 850
Range of week 4 = 1939-1104 = 835
Range of week 5 = 2052-1189 = 863
Range of week 6 = 1726-1441 = 285
Variance = σ2 = Σ ( Xi - μ )2 / N-1
For week 1 = (1774-1678)2 + (2205-1678)2+ (1330-1678)2+ (1402-1678)2 3 = 9 216+227 729+121 104+76 176 3=108 556, 25
For week 2 = 1808-1569,252+1507-1569,252+1295-1569,252+1665-1569,2523= 57 001, 56+3 875, 06+75 213, 06+9 168, 06 3 = 48 419, 25
For week 3 = 1890-1819,252+2352-1819,252+1502-1819,252+1530-1819,2523= 5 005,56+283 822,56+100 647,56+83 665,563=157 713, 75
For week 4 = 1932-1701,252+1939-1701,252+1104-1701,252+1826-1701,2523 = 53 245, 56+56 525,06+356 707,56+15 562,563 = 160 680,25
For week 5 = 1855-17012+2052-17012+1189-17012+1703-170123= 23 716+123 201+262 144+4 3 = 136 355
For week 6 = 1726-1575,252+1630-1575,252+1441-1575,252+1498-1575,2523 = 22 725,56+2 997,56+18 023,06+5 967, 563=49 713, 74
Standard Deviation = √variance
For week 1 = 108556,25= 329,48
For week 2 = 48 419,25= 220,04
For week 3 = 157 713, 75= 397,13
For week 4 = 160 680,25 =400, 85
For week 5 = 136 355= 369,26
For week 6 = 49 713,74= 222, 97
Standard deviation illustrates how much weakly measures of salespersons differ from the mean ones. The greatest value of standard deviation belongs to week 4. It can be concluded that at this week the measures of salespersons differ from each other most.
According to all the data and calculations above the best results in sales record for 6 week showed salesperson B. Four times (week 1, 3, 4,5) he showed the highest sales record comparing with his colleagues. At weeks 6 his results were on the second position after salesperson A. the worth situation took place at week 2 when salesperson gained third position and his results were below average data. All five other weeks the results of salesperson B were above average.