Structural Family Therapy
The case presented is of a 24 year old who is brought forward by his parents to a counselor in order to discuss a major concern with their relationship. We witness a situation where the son has relationship issues with dad. From the way the case is presented, on can clearly tell that Mark has some issues when it comes to connecting with his father in an open way. The father makes an effort to ensure that the son is okay. We realize a caring dad who is desperate to solve the issues that exist to make a life for his son. However, the two have major concerns when it comes to being free. The situation is evident with how the son responds to the questions that are posed to him. The son is not as free as it is expected even though the father is making huge steps to make advances towards his son.
A major concern that is evident is that the father is making very huge strides in trying to make a connection with his son. He values much about the two and the bond that should be developed between them. However, he does not take patience to learn that he must be slow and keen enough to play along his son in order to win over and create a bond in between.
The case as is different when her mum comes into the picture. The bond in this case seems to be already developed. They have a greater connection in between and one can tell from the way the son is able to respond to his mum. There is a great difference in how the son responds to his dad compared to his mother. In this case, the case presents two parents who have a common goals of setting their son free to make him mature enough to handle issues on his own and stand on his two feet. The major rift in this case is the center of attraction in trying to solve the case of their son.
A major case at the table is that the son has not attained a level of self-awareness. In this case, the son has not yet attained a stage in life where there is the concept of actualization to dislodge from parents. At the age of 24, he stills believes that his parents must be responsible to offer support on all his affairs. The major concern in this case for the father is for his son to realize the level of maturity he has obtained. His father tells him that you are not a boy anymore but you have grown into an adult.
A solution to such case must be addressed from the way the parents have raised their son all along. They have had a constant system of operation that they have used all along in order to give their son a comfortable life. In this case, counseling must target the specific ways in which he used to from his childhood. The father must be addressed to apply patient techniques for his son to gradually go through s system that will set him free from the prison of his parents. He must attain a level where he can recognize self-actualization and awareness for him to be free of his current chains.