Sustainable development has taken the centre stage of various global forums for some time now. This phenomenon has been used to indicate the ability of the current face of humanity to use the existing resources amicably and ensuring that the future generations are not compromised from using the same resources. This concept has been extremely dynamic after 2000 and many countries have joined hands with the aim of ensuring that environmental protection is given priority inasmuch us human beings are trying to satisfy their needs (Elliott, 2006). Ultimately, the definition of sustainable development encompasses nature including ecosystems and biodiversity, community including cultures and places, the economy, society and the people. In order to enhance sustainable development around the globe, the United Nations has come up with Millennium Development Goals, which act as a guide on the achievement of this concept (Gifford, 2003).
Various authors have shared the ideas and views regarding sustainable development. Hill et al (2006), shed light on what transpired in a UN conference in Rio in 1992. This appears to have been the global gesture by various countries that there was a need to protect the environment with the ultimate goal of safeguarding the existence of future generations. It is from this meeting in Rio that we are able to understand the fact that many governments made their commitment to adopt national strategies that would enhance sustainable development. Strange and Bayley (2008) on the other hand uses their book to illustrate the need of linking the societal factors towards the achievement of sustainable development. Some of the factors to be considered include economics, development, and population among others. The authors also provide a brief history of sustainable development and provide various aspects of measuring it.
In order to widen our scope on the understanding of sustainable development Faucheux et al (1997) enumerate some of the parameters that can be used to measure the extent of sustainable development. Some of the factors taken into account include the effect on economic growth, ecological distribution, bio-economic conceptions, and political economics. According to them, the factors have to be addressed with extreme care if sustainable development is to be achieved. The rate of growth of the population plays a significant role in the determination of how receptive a society is to the concept of sustainable development. Schmandt and Ward (2000) brought this concept forward. According to them, it is necessary for al societies utilize their social and economic systems in order to provide food, education, and job among other needs while at the same time ensuring that there is balance with the ecology. This is the most effective of ensuring that the goals of sustainable developments are achieved.
The contribution by Baker (2006) to the concept of sustainable development cannot be underestimated. According to the author, many societies have inclined their goals towards the concept of westernized development. By doing this, people have not been too considerate in caring for the environment because they are all aping the western world and their industries which in most cases release noxious chemical to the environment. The author therefore calls for the nations, which are still developing to follow their own paths of development. This would obviously encourage responsibility. Gechev (2005) on his part details the need for sustainable development for global benefits. The author mentions about the need for various governments to change the direction for their economic stimuli and development production in a manner that conserves the environment. It is also through the book that we are able to understand the various dimensions of sustainable development. Theses include social, economic, ecological, and institutional. It is quite clear that there is a need for sustainable development currently and for future generations. This calls for joint efforts for all nations in playing their respective roles in creating a safer environment for future generation (Mawhinney, 2002).
Baker, S. (2006). Sustainable Development. Routledge Publishing. Print
Faucheux, S., O'Connor, M. & Straaten, J. (1997). Sustainable Development: Concepts,
Rationalities, and Strategies. Springer Publishers. Print
Gechev, R. (2005). Sustainable Development: Economic Aspects. University Press. Print
Hill, J., Terry, A. & Woodland, W. (2006). Sustainable Development: National Aspirations,
Local Implementation. Ashgate Publishing, Ltd. Print
Schmandt, J. & Ward, C. (2000). Sustainable Development: The Challenge of Transition.
Cambridge University Press. Print
Strange, T & Bayley, A. (2008). Sustainable Development: Linking Economy, Society,
Environment. OECD Publishing. Print
Mawhinney, M. (2002). Sustainable Development: Understanding the Green Debates. Wiley-
Blackwell. Print
Elliott, J. (2006). An introduction to sustainable development. Routledge Publishing. Print
Gifford, C. (2003). Sustainable Development. Raintree Publishers. Print