List of 10 Native species indigenous to California that can be used in reclaiming abandoned lots
1. Big Leaf Maple (Acer macrophyllum)
2. California Flannelbush (Fremontodendron californicum)
3. Silver bush Lupine (Lupinus albifrons)
4. California Wild lilac (Ceanothus spp)
5.Island bush poppy (Dendromecon harfordii)
6. California fuchsia (Epilobium canum)
7. Manzanitas of California (Arctostaphylos species)
8. White sage (Salvia apiana)
9. Island black Sage (Salvia brandegei)
10. Golden currant (Ribes aureum gracillimum) (Akaka, et al., 2013).
Re: Request for use of Abandoned lot to grow a native Garden
This letter is written to request for the use of abandoned lot at (..) to grow a native garden. Native gardens will be important for our community by providing ecosystem services, aesthetic value and can be used for education. Native plant species that will be grown will attract native wildlife and pollinators such as bees, butterflies and humming birds. These pollinators maintain the natural plant diversity by ensuring successful pollination that result in viable seeds. Without pollinators most of the plant species will be lost. Growing plants that their blooming periods overlap will ensure that bees and butterflies, which are the major pollinators, can survive and prosper. The native plants in this garden will be well selected and planted to ensure overlapping bloom periods. This will ensure that the diversity of the other plants pollinated by these bees and butterflies will be maintained (Fross & Wilken, 2006).
Pesticide application is not necessary because the native plants have developed resistance to pests and diseases. Most of pesticides applied in gardens are broad spectrum. All insects in the garden are killed by application of these indiscriminate pesticides including beneficial insects such as bees and butterflies among others. Conservation of the declining pollinator communities such as bees and butterflies will be an added advantage of growing the native garden species as these plant species do not require pesticide application to control harmful bugs. This will provide a safe haven for bees and butterflies to get nectar and pollen away from the pesticide- applied lawns (Bornstein, 2005). Habitat loss due to construction of roads and buildings due to expanding human settlement has resulted in destruction of the natural ecosystem and fragmentation of the natural habitat. Native plants in garden will provide the ecosystem services provided by the larger ecosystem although at a lower level.
Native bugs and other native small animals prefer feeding on native plants. The bugs provide food for other small animals. The native garden will improve the diversity of the ecosystem by providing food at the base of the food chain for animals. Beautification is the main aim of planting gardens, the native garden will provide aesthetic value to the community by providing scenery that is visually attractive. Plants from the native garden will also be used for education purposes. The different species of the garden plants can be used to teach students on the classification, ecosystem services and the economic importance of the different species. Fertilizer application in the exotic gardens changes the soil quality and the type of soil organisms present. Soil biodiversity will be maintained if native plants are grown. The native plants do not require fertilizer application unless in patches where the top soil was dug out and the soil left is infertile. Mulching can be applied to smother weeds and improve soil fertility of the garden. Native plant species use less water, do not require fertilizer or pesticide application. This saves on water bills and money that would have been used to buy fertilizers and pesticides.
The native garden plants that will be planted are; Big leaf Maple, California flannel bush, Silver Bush Lupine, California Wild lilac, California fuchsia, Manzanitas of California, Island bush poppy, white sage, island black sage, and the golden currant. Apart from the beautiful leaves and flowers that the big leaf maple adds to the garden, it is also a source of food and lumber. Maple syrup is produced from big leaf maple, wood from this tree is used in making guitar bodies, gun stocks, piano frames and salad bowls (Robert et al 1972). The yellow flowers of the California flannel bush, an evergreen shrub are of great aesthetic value. Silver Bush Lupine is a perennial shrub popular for ornamentals. It requires good amount of sun and well drained soils. It attracts humming birds and butterflies to the garden. California Wild lilac is an evergreen shrub which is popular for its radiant flowers and drought tolerance. There are many species of the wild lilac that are used in landscaping. Island bush poppy requires little watering in summer, well drained soils and good sun (Fross & Dieter, 2006).
California fuchsia is a perennial plant notable for its scarlet flowers in late summer and autumn. They need little watering and lots of sunshine. The most notable characteristic of the Manzanitas of California (Arctostaphilosspecies) is the mycorrhyzal associations in its roots that enable them to grow in soil with depleted nutrients. They have flowers that range from white to pink and are popular with the hummingbirds.White sage and Island black Sage are popular with the hummingbirds, bumble bees and wasps. They provide nectar for bumble bee populations which are currently on a decline. The yellow flowers of the golden currant are popular with the hummingbirds.
Akaka, M. A., Vargo, S. L., & Lusch, R. F. (2013). The Complexity of Context: A Service
Ecosystems Approach for International Marketing. Journal Of International Marketing, 21(4), 1-20. California Native plant Society
Bornstein, C. J. (2005). California native Plants for the Garden. Los Olivos, California :
Cachuma Press, page 19-21
Fross, D. & Dieter W. (2006). Ceanothus. Timber Press.56-64. Las Pilitas Nursery
SCHLAEPFER, M. A., SAX, D. F., & OLDEN, J. D. (2011). The Potential Conservation Value
of Non-Native Species. Conservation Biology, 25(3), 428-437. doi:10.1111/j.1523-1739.2010.01646.