Studies reveal that swimming after eating food is dangerous. A study that was carried out in United States showed that the number of deaths due to drowning after eating were many. In the research, scientists took a study on the people that died. They carried out autopsies on dead people. The findings from the research showed that 37 percent of the people that had died due to drowning had eaten food. This clearly showed that eating before swimming is very dangerous and is unhealthy. However, though the danger has been established many misconceptions on the exact time are there (Nordqvist, paras.1-5). People have come up with speculations on the number of hours a person must refrain from swimming after eating (Nordqvist, paras.1-5)
Information Misconception
The first misconception is that if a person swims one hour after eating there is a likelihood that they will drown; this myth has moved all around the world. Children in Cuba are now advised not to swim after eating. They have been directed that they should stay for at least 3 hour before swimming. The reason behind this is that they are likely to develop a stomach crump which may cause them to drown (Julia, paras. 1-2).
On the contrary, others scientists have argued that it is impossible to have cramps while swimming. Though at times it may happen the chances of causing a person to drown are minimal. Research reveals that exercise causes the blood to flow to the muscles. The reason is that it may supply the needed nutrients. Therefore, in the same way blood flows to the muscles during exercises, blood also flows to the stomach during digestion. The blood flow assists in the digestion process. With this argument those who are for the idea; that swimming after eating causes cramps argue that the lack of proper flow of blood causes cramps. However, science has proved this wrong. Though most blood flows to the stomach, there is blood enough to circle through the entire body. Moreover, science has disapproved the idea that a muscle cramp can cause a person to drown; this is because they are sometimes so mild and short (Nordqvist, paras.1-5).
In addition, those who are against this idea state that there is no evidence to show that a crump had caused a person to drown. Moreover, despite the evidence provided in the United States they still argue that it is impossible for a person to drown after eating. Therefore, basing the argument on recent statistics done in United States, it is advisable not to swim after eating. 37% of all people that have died as a result of drowning were found to have eaten. The large number clearly shows that eating has some kind of effect on swimming. Though it may not always cause cramps, it is quite clear that it affects and can increase the chances of a person drowning (Julia, paras. 1-2).
So, to be realistic it is not logical to state that eating can cause cramps which h may in turn cause a person to swim. Though, this is the case it is advisable not to swim after eating.
Works Cited:
Julia. Swimming within an Hour after Eating is Not Dangerous, 2011. Accessed 13 April, 2013
Nordqvist, Christian. Eating Before Swimming May Be Dangerous, After All, 2013. Accessed 13 April, 2013
Shinder, Deb. Mini-glossary: Office terms you should know, 2007. Accessed 13 April, 2013