The Technical Communication program trains students to plan, write, correct, present, and assess technical and scientific data, cooperate with other interdisciplinary groups on both technical and communication schemes, and apply emerging knowledge to technical communication. In this course, I, as Mechanical engineering technologist, have been able to successfully gain this knowledge offered though the technical communications especially as it relates to communicating technical information related to my course. However, nothing is perfect and I have discovered through my achievements that I have some weakness in grammar errors. I will continue training for final exam. My main recommendations for this course would be to increase more time and mainly focus on grammar errors.
An objective universal to both the Mechanical engineering technology course as well as the technical communications prospectus is efficient communication. Communication occurs in a variety of forms and can be attained in several ways. Presentation, printed, and verbal communication skills are critical if an individual is to thrive in contemporary’s fast paced employment background. This course study and practice concentrates on all three features
Therefore, technical communications in this twenty-first century is a requirement if we are to methodically prepare ourselves for the future, for employment, and to operate in a technical society. Therefore applying the ideology and expertise of technical communication can prepare me to write and read circumstances I will bump into my course designations. I am a mechanical engineering technologist and as such I can relate this course to my course. My course is particularly technical as it sounds, and by that I deal and will deal with technical data and information. I believe through this course (technical Communication), I will be able to effectively communicate my information through presentation, written and verbal communication.
Within this course, I was subjected to a 6- series curriculum that engaged the following requirements. The first requirement was to write effective technical documents using sound principles of clear, correct language tailored to the needs of a specific audience. Essentials of technical language planning strategies for technical documents Process descriptions and Instructions Technical correspondence, manuals, and reports. The second entailed to Use technology to convey written and graphical messages using standard software and collaborative writing techniques Lists, Tables, Charts, Diagrams, and Photographs Labeling and Numbering conventions Online Documentation. The third was to prepare slides to support an informative technical project using presentation software Complex data reduced to meaningful point form. The fourth involved to Research material from the internet, document it accurately, and incorporate it into one or more technical documents. Search techniques correct citation of sources. The firth was to Select source material and reframe it to suit the needs of a defined audience. Analysis of needs of secondary and multiple audience(s) Summary of detailed information rational conclusions and logical recommendations. And lastly to examine your own performance as you work through the course materials and identify your own strengths and weaknesses in technical communication And Self-assessment Strategies for continued improvement.
I have successfully completed the first five requirements of this course, and I would affirm that I have done well. This is documented and can be seen in the graph below.
Progress Report 1
However nothing is perfect, I have as well realized my weakness, which I can state was in Quiz three. Looking closely I realized that the quiz was on grammar errors. The best quizzed that I performed in quiz six as broken own below:
Table one
Identifying the grammar problem and write an alternative that corrects problems without altering the meaning
Creating topic sentences correspondent to the chosen strategies and paragraph grammar errors correction
Family letter for advices to report-writing principles
My main recommendations for this course would be to increase more time and mainly focus on grammar errors.
Chapter 7 – Formal, Semi-formal, and Informal Reports. In Readings for Effective communication for the technical professions. Ed. Jennifer MacLennan. Toronto: OxfordUniversity Press Canada. 198-232.
MacLennan, J.M. 2009-2/e. Effective communication for the technical professions. Toronto: Oxford University Press Canada
MacLennan, J.M. 2007. Academic and professional programs in the Ron and Jane Graham Centre. Online: <>
Appendix A
Progress report
Appendix B
Identifying the grammar problem and write an
alternative that corrects problems without altering the
Creating topic sentences correspondent to the chosen
strategies and paragraph grammar errors correction
Family letter for advices to report-writing principles