It is the worldwide leader in networking for the internet. Cisco networking Inc., today has made it easy to acquire the most essential hardware and software to businesses, education, home communications, and governments creating internet solutions making networking a reality. It is a company founded in 1984, by students from Stanford University studying computer science. The company has a tradition committed to technology innovation, corporate social responsibility, and market leadership.
The company apart from offering a broad range of services, including advanced services and support services it operates core values of customer concentration oriented objectives and corporate social responsibility. These values are achieved through the drives in global involvement in community, educational, and philanthropic efforts.
Cisco has made globalization be about networked thrifts and the expansion of word-class talent in all markets, developing new ideas for customers, perspectives and advantages in the process. The company`s globalization strategy exemplifies a move from a geographical attention to a business management focus on talents skill sets, and the technology of networking contributing to the capability of companies to cooperate across borders and exchanges of cultures in a bid to offer world class service to customers regardless of geographic location.
Cisco has made its bid in its globalization efforts using video to support rich, real-time collaboration. These video applications enhancing the network infrastructure connects very location for instance; Tele-presence creates an in person experience between persons enhancing business connectivity. This in turn enables businesses reduce travel demands, improving employee efficiency and productivity, and enhancing job satisfaction among employees.
The internationalization of Cisco products and services has been met with varied challenges on the global front. The growing interdependence of the economies and the prospects of war and peace have increased the potential of disagreements between nations hindering the efforts of the company to take full advantage of the emerging markets. In addition, the global financial crisis in the emerging markets and in Europe has brought about a growing sense of anxiety on the corporate level and the national communities slowing the development efforts and the encroachment of the company Cisco with its products into the markets.
Paulson, Ed. Inside Cisco: The Real Story of Sustained M & a Growth. New York: Wiley, 2001. Internet resource.
Wylie, Kimberly. Swot Analysis of Cisco Systems, Inc. München: GRIN Verlag GmbH, 2009. Internet resource.