What are we going to do on our paper? A broad map of what we are going to do with this paper is that we are going to look at three different premises found in a sentence and look at the conclusion it’s going to have. In this, the first premise is; in order to have a purpose, something must be intended to play a certain role. The first premise contains two more premises, which leads up to the conclusion. The second premise that comes from the first premise is; for a certain role to be played by something there must be an intelligent designer who created the role. The third premise is; an intelligent designer is also playing a role by creating roles. The conclusion of the premises is that therefore, all things with a purpose must have an intelligent designer.
In order to have a purpose, something must be intended to play a certain role.
In this sentence, it contains two statements and that is what I am going to concentrate on in details. It is my job to ensure that there is a bridge between the two statements in order to create two premises from the first premise leading to the conclusion. In this premise, the two premises that seem to come out are that there is an intelligent designer who creates the role and there is also a player who plays the roles. In this, I have to link the creator of a role and the player of the role in order to see how this could make a person have a purpose. It is obvious to me that a role cannot be played if there isn’t a maker or the player. The mentality I get from this premise is that there is an intelligent designer who creates the roles that are played by others. This makes it easy to move to the next premise of the sentence.
For a certain role to be played by something there must be an intelligent designer who created the roles
In this premise, I must create a bridge between the intelligent designer of the play and the player. In this premise the intelligent designer of the play and the player are two different people therefore, this means that there are two different meanings found in it. The two different meanings come from the person involved in making the roles and the person involved in playing the role. There is a way in which I will be able to link the two meanings and make it one. In linking the statements, the intelligent designer and the player can be claimed to be one and the same so that the end purpose can be seen clearly. The conclusion is that the designer actually plays the roles they are creating. This will therefore, bring about the third premise of the sentence.
An intelligent designer is also playing a role by creating roles
This third premise shows how the person who created the roles plays the role of creating roles. In this premise, the person intended to play a particular role is the intelligent designer. This shows how the intelligent designer is the biggest link to everything in the sentence. This proves that the intelligent designer is the one having a purpose because they are creating the roles that will end up benefiting them. In this premise, it is therefore, easy for a person to come up with a conclusion that the main subject is the intelligent designer who has a purpose. The conclusion of the first premise can therefore, be reached through this third premise.
In conclusion, therefore, all things with a purpose must have an intelligent designer. I was able to come up with this conclusion when I looked at all the three premises, which were connected. The connection came from the intelligent designer, which seemed to be the most important subject for all the three premises. This is because the intelligent designer is the one that seems to bring about a purpose to something. The intelligent designer’s role is very simple is that they create roles. In creating the roles, they are able to have a purpose in the world. This shows how the most important glue to the premises is the intelligent designer.
The first premise contains two statements that bring about the formation of two more premises. The first premise is; in order to have a purpose, something must be intended to play a certain role. There are two things in this premise that has to be linked, they are the intelligent designer, and the player of the roles made. I had to link the creator of the role and the player of the roles. The second premise that comes from the first premise is; for a certain role to be played by something there must be an intelligent designer who created the role. In this premise, there are two subjects, which are the intelligent designer and the role player. I had to combine the two subjects and make it one, which led to the formation of the third premise. I also do not like the fact that these two statements were combined because it is obvious that they are two different matters that does not need to be joined. The third premise is; an intelligent designer is also playing a role by creating roles. The conclusion came up from the three premises is that therefore; all things with a purpose must have an intelligent designer.