A. American children living with birth defects continue to increase in this generation. For instance in Kettle man, California 11 babies were born with severe birth defects in 2012. Meanwhile baby boom generation people living in Camp Lejeune Marine Corps develop breast cancer. The residents from Wellington, Ohio are susceptible to develop multiple sclerosis than the rest of the country. A new report highlights some of the disease clusters defined as unusual aggregations real or perceived by the federal state.
B. Strengthening Protections for Children and Communities from Disease Clusters Act will develop Environmental Protection that serves the following functions: publish, and update guidelines that investigate potential disease clusters and environmental pollutants. The bill seeks to establish and operate the information concerning regional disease cluster and the response teams. The bill sees to establish community disease cluster advisory committee to provide guidance, oversight, and advice that relate with the establishment of operating centers and teams. The purpose of the act is to assist administration authority in the conduction of investigations on toxic substances and environmental pollutants that cause disease clusters. Secondly, the administration has the authority to undertake actions that can address the existing and potential environmental pollution that can contribute to the creation of disease clusters.
Lastly, an administrator will integrate its work with other sectors such as local agencies, learning institutions, and the community to investigate and help in addressing the possible causes of disease clusters. The act intends to achieve some of the following initiatives in the society: protecting infants and children that are susceptible to harm that can lead them to become part of the disease cluster. Secondly, the Act will enhance transparency and accountability to respond to public, state, and local government concerning the potential causes of the disease cluster. Additionally, the Act will help in the development of multidisciplinary teams that collaborate to address the potential causes of disease clusters. Lastly, the act will facilitate the rapid investigation of the potential disease clusters and initiate lasting actions.
According to S.50 - Strengthening Protections for Children (par. 5) Congress investigates some of the problems that relate to the bill that predispose children to environmental pollutants and toxic substances.
I. Problem: Some of the situations include the children immune, digestive, nervous, and other systems are at an early development as they undergo growth and development.
A. The exposure of environmental pollutants and other toxic substances will affect infant, prenatal stages during growth and development of children. Children at an early stage do not the capability of detoxifying and excreting toxins like adults do.
B. Children are more susceptible to environmental waste than adults are since they play outside frequently. As children play, they are less able to protect themselves from toxic substances and pollutants in the environment. The natural tendency of children to explore the environment can predispose them to health risks than the adults. The rapid development of children systems will make their growing organs susceptible to permanent disruption that can lead to other problems in their lives. A report from the Department of Health and Human Services state that birth defects are the lead cause of infant death that account to 20 percent of infant deaths in the nation.
C. The bill will help in extensive investigations towards the existence of disease clusters as well as improve coordination between federal and the state agencies that will create the guidelines for investigations.
Transition: In retro respect, American children have birth defects due to contaminants in the environment and it is important to address the problem.
II. Solution
A. It is important to protect children from environmental harms while the government has a tendency of issuing rules and mandates with inadequate facts.
1. The bill has the intent of increasing coordination, accountability, and transparency when the federal agencies work in collaboration with other sectors to investigate and address the potential clusters.
B. When the same disease affects different families’ people have the right to know if there is a common factor or related cause.
1. The bi-partisan legislation introduced will help the communities to investigate and address the disease clusters as quickly as possible.
The people that support the bill vote and support it cite that no child should contemplate death to toxics in the environment. The Environmental Protection Agency has conducted research for many years and informs of a pressing need that predispose children to disease clusters frequently ignored by clinicians. The Strengthening Protections for Children and Communities from Disease Clusters Act is a good way to investigate more concerning on the environmental toxins. Consequently, the act will investigate unusual concentrations of disease on public health and safety.
III. Opposition/Rebuttal
A. The people that oppose the bill cite that it is the duty of the medical department to investigate on infant environment related diseases.
1. Those that oppose cite that EPA is highly funded government project that goes against the wishes of the community.
B. The government is not in a position to protect children since it pushes for abortion and homosexuality. The EPA does not have the concern for human life it depends on the corrupt companies to change its position. The people that support the bill work feverishly to destroy the country since they worship corruption and selfish ambitions
Transition: The above information will give light on the bill.
A. According to Senator Barbara Boxer, the Chairperson of the Environmental and Public works Committee and the co-sponsor of the legislation Senator Mie Crapo the bill will help communities determine a possible connection between clusters of cancer and other diseases as well as contaminants in the environment.
B. I urge people to contact their local representatives and inform them you support S. 50 Act. In the event the disease has an impact on the community and families then people need to have apt information relating to the cause.
Works Cited
"POPVOX Report -- The Strengthening Protections for Children and Communities From Disease Clusters Act: S. 50: Strengthening Protections for Children and Communities From Disease Clusters Act -" POPVOX. N.p., n.d. Web. 19 Oct. 2014. <>.
"S.50 - Strengthening Protections for Children and Communities From Disease Clusters Act113th Congress (2013-2014)." S.50. N.p., n.d. Web. 19 Oct. 2014. <>.
"Text of the Strengthening Protections for Children and Communities From Disease Clusters Act." N.p., n.d. Web. 19 Oct. 2014. <>.