In the view of online marketing, there are multiplicities of ways to engage potential customers; one of such ways is through the use of relevant visual and audio content, shout-outs, images, opinion polls, and competitions.
Privacy is one area that cannot be absolutely guaranteed on social media. Though several networks like Facebook and Twitter provide avenues to lock out unwanted viewers from the content, another person with access can share the content thus making visible to the public.
On monitoring use, there are many ways to monitor online usage. First, it is important to understand customers’ response to your online content whether they left a question, commented or just visited and did not say anything. Google Analytics is one tool that can help effectively monitor online usage.
Amongst the above options, I choose the topic on engaging the potential customers. The topic seems to have lots of information that can be exploited for proper understanding.
Activity 5.5
I concur with your information regarding engaging the potential customers, and specifically on creating impression. However, regarding monitoring use, I would like to make further comments. First, it is important to appreciate that one might not be online always and in all respect it worthy to engage the clients when they comment. Therefore, using automated responses when you are not available can act to give the customers the hope of concern and the sense of receiving response in due course. In a scenario when the customers comment and nobody responds may due to technical failure on your computer or electric fault that last even 24-hours, it is detrimental to have their message wait for that period before they receive any response. Using automatic response make them feel the sense of care.