Walt Disney once said, “If you can dream it you can do it”. I have always dreamed of bringing joy to people by doing what I love the most – singing. Since I was six I couldn’t imagine myself elsewhere but on a stage, performing and sharing my soul with the audience.
Needless to say how many different emotions can we express through the song – happiness and joy, love or sorrow, loneliness, depression and fear, inspiration and gratefulness, these and many other feelings which are sometimes hard to explain.
Very often song becomes the only way to let someone know what you feel and what is on your mind. If you cannot speak to the person “eye to eye” it’s is a wordy message that leaves no person indifferent. This is a sign of attention, care and a strong need to be heard.
I always dreamed to share my emotions and thoughts with people and decided that I can do it by writing and singing my own songs. This award is priceless because knowing that people find my lyrics worthy makes me feel like my dream came true.
I want say thank you to everyone who believes in my talent and helps me on the way. I would also like to express my greatest admiration to those who understand and appreciate a deep meaning I put into my songs. My dear audience, I believe compositions I share help you to create memories, remember moments and people. Songs are treasures meant to make you feel better and never lonely.
I truly appreciate the great chance to be here, it inspires and motivates me even more. Thank you!