James Webb’s Space Telescope referred to as the Mid-Infrared Instrument, or in other words, the MIRI, will show stars as well as galaxies in infrared light. The instrument is intended to play a vital role in NASA's space exploration (Jet Propulsion Laboratory 1). Information collected by the device will contribute to researches regarding the progression of the universe as well as the exploration for the first-ever occurrence of star creation, or "first light." The Space Telescope is under observation and improvement and is aiming for a 2018 launch. Surface Water and Ocean Topography, on the other hand, is premeditated to formulate the first-ever global study of earth's water surface. The technology also referred to as the SWOT satellite will gather comprehensive measurements of how water bodies on the globe vary over time. Surface Water and Ocean Topography will study at least 90% of the world’s rivers, lakes, oceans, as well as reservoirs, at least two times every 21 days to enhance ocean flow models (Jet Propulsion Laboratory 1). The satellite will also enhance weather and climate forecasts, and aid in freshwater supervision all across the globe. This paper will, however, support the Surface Water and Ocean Topography since the telescope looks as if it will reveal more information regarding the globe that people do not recognize.
James Webb’s Space Telescope will offer direct medium resolution spectroscopy (R~3000) as well as imaging over a wavelength array of 5 to 28.3 micron (Free EBooks 3). The telescope will also offer coronagraphic imaging ranging from 10.65 to 23 micron, plus a low spectroscopy resolution of R~100 over a wavelength array of 5 to 10 micron. James Webb Space Telescope’s cold, large apertures as well as up to date detector arrays are anticipated to offer 50 times the sensitivity plus 7 times the angular decree of Spitzer. Hence, Mid-Infrared Instrument is anticipated to make vital contributions to the entire four key science topics for James Webb Space Telescope. These topics are: assembly of galaxies, detection of the "first light", account of star formation, development of black holes, as well as creation of heavy elements, and how stars plus planetary systems are shaped. Finally, James wanted to know the progression of planetary systems, as well as conditions for life. The Mid-Infrared Instrument is jointly developed by the United States and the European Consortium (EC) in the sponsorship of the European Space Society. Gillian Wright of the UK Astronomy Technology Centre along with George Rieke of the University of Arizona are considered the science leads on the Mid-Infrared Instrument (Free EBooks 3). James Webb, on the other hand, heads joint management, as well as system engineering teams. James Webb is also accountable for the flight software and the focal plane system. The European Consortium is in charge of the optical bench, optics, assembly, integration, as well as test of the MIRI instrument (Earth Science Technology Office 2).
Even though, James Webb’s Space Telescope seems viable, in comparison to Surface Water and Ocean Topography, Webb’s telescope does not inform people more on what is taking place around the world than the Surface Water and Ocean Topography. For the telescope, a set of tools will be flown on a similar platform: a nadir-looking Ku-band radar altimeter, a GPS receiver, a Ku-band near-nadir SAR interferometer and a 3Hz microwave radiometer. The Ku-band SAR interferometer represents the Shuttle Radar Topography, as well as the Broad Swath Ocean Altimeter Mission (Earth Science Technology Office 2). The interferometer offers vertical accuracy of a few centimeters over regions of below 1 km2. It also has a swath of 120 km comprising a depths gap.
In review of other scholarly sources, the Surface Water Ocean Topography Telescope unites two groups focused on an enhanced perceptive of the earth’s oceans, as well as its global surface waters. People’s perception of the sea flow at mesoscales and smaller, where a majority of the ocean's kinetic energy, as well as its dissipation occurs, is poor (Science Daily 1). Similarly, the functions of interior tides as causes of mixing, in addition to coastal practices such, as jets, upwelling, plus fronts are yet to be comprehended properly. Considering the people’s fundamental need for water, the most basic hydrologic studies that may be seen in a basin are of the spatial and temporal differences in water capacities stored in lakes, rivers, as well as wetlands. Unfortunately, people have a poor understanding of the worldwide dynamics of earthly surface waters, plus their connections with coastal seas in estuaries (Science Daily 1).
The Surface Water Ocean Topography Telescope is being enhanced by a global group of oceanographers and hydrologists so as to offer an improved perception of the globe’s seas, as well as its earthly surface waters. The telescope will offer scientists their leading widespread outlook of globe’s freshwater masses from space. It will also offer many more comprehensive calculations of the sea surface than ever before. The Surface Water Ocean Topography Telescope is a partnership between NASA, as well as CNES, (Banks 1). The telescope adapts from the incredibly winning 25-year joint venture between the two organizations to employ radar altimetry to determine the surface of the sea that started with the Poseidon mission. The Surface Water Ocean Topography Telescope mission is rooted on radar referred to as Ka-band radar interferometry (Banks 1). The Telescope will fly double radar antennae at each ending of a 33-foot (10-meter) mast, enabling it to calculate the altitude of the water surface along a 75-mile (120- kilometer)-wide swath. The innovative radar system is small but alike to the radar that flew on NASA’s Shuttle Radar Topography operation, which achieved high-resolution calculations of globe’s land surface in the year 2000.
Below follows a number of the reasons why the Congress should consider funding the Surface Water Ocean Topography rather than Webb’s telescope. One of the key advantages is that the Surface Water Ocean Topography has no hazards (Space Telescope Science Institute 1). Numerous other forms of mechanical display can sense particles through other spectrums, but numerous of their methods make use of radiation. For instance, Webb’s telescope needs safety measures so that the radiation does not cause damage to individuals in the area. Nevertheless, the Surface Water Ocean Topography is harmless and will not damage the environment as well as the area being observed. Also, a chief advantage of Surface Water Ocean Topography is that the water bodies being viewed do not need any unique preparation. A number of tests may need to have a radioactive dye put into it or subject to be bathed in radiation, but Surface Water Ocean Topography does not involve that. The Surface Water Ocean Topography needs only to be set up so it can look at the subject matter (Space Telescope Science Institute 1). The measurements can be obtained without doing anything specific to the subject matter.
One disadvantage of using these two telescopes is that the need exceedingly properly tuned plus sensitive instruments. Any essential infrared instrument can view the infrared spectrum, but being capable of focusing on it well enough to create a sense of what is being viewed needs tools that are well tuned. Tuning an infrared instrument such as the two being discussed in this paper is a hard task (Banks 1). In addition, the better tuned infrared instruments happen to be extremely expensive to purchase plus to maintain in the long term.
The SWOT Satellite Mission, as well as its wide-swath altimetry technology, is a means that will help people uncover the world's oceans, in addition to other freshwater bodies, with repeated elevation measurements (Banks 1). Surface Water and Ocean Topography is a truly helpful and collegial joint international attempt consisting of researchers globally. A hallmark of Surface Water and Ocean Topography is the welcoming of everybody interested in solving ocean, as well as water related issues. The congress should fund the Surface Water and Ocean Topography due to above reasons. It should also consider this project since it is less expensive than James Webb’s Space Telescope.
Works Cited
Banks, Kimberly. James Webb Space Telescope Mid-Infrared Instrument: Cooler Systems Engineering. California: California Institute of Technology, 2008. Web.
Earth Science Technology Office. Surface Water &Ocean Topography (SWOT) Technology Investments. Washington, D.C: NASA, 2007. Print.
Free EBooks. Surface Water & Ocean Topography. N.p, 2010. Web.
Jet Propulsion Laboratory. Mid-Infrared Instrument. California: California Institute of Technology, 2012. Web.
Jet Propulsion Laboratory. Surface Water and Ocean Topography. California: California Institute of Technology, 2012. Web.
Science Daily. First Flight Instrument Delivered for James Webb Space Telescope. New York: Science Daily LLC, 2012. Web.
Space Telescope Science Institute. James Webb Space Telescope: Mid Infrared Instrument. N.p, 2008. Web.